The Bet

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Sirius: *being disturbingly still*

Lilly: *To Remus* what's wrong with him?

Remus: He's trying to behave himself.

Lily: . . . Why?

Remus: He and James have a bet going with me . . . Whoever gets detention first loses and has to be my study partner for the O.W.L.S. *gesturing to a twitching James* I'm not sure it's going so well . . .

Lily: You mean, he's not usually this twitchy? I never noticed . . . .

James: (yelling) I HEARD THAT!

McGonagall: Mr. Potter, since you seem to want to disrupt my lecture I will see you in Detention on Friday Evening.

Sirius: *rather loudly* HA!!!!!! I WIN!!

McGonagall: You too Mr. Black.

Sirius: Damn . . . .

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