Shepherd's pie

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Sirius: you're double nuts!

Lily: All right, that's it. No more shepherds pie. *vanishes their plates*

James: Evans!

Lily: *corrects with a smile* Mrs. Potter

James: *Goofy grin* oh yeah . . . . .

Sirius: *as petulant as ever* Mrs. Prongs!

Lily: Every time we have shepherds pie, you fight.

James: We're not fighting.

Sirius: We're bonding.

James: And we're starving!

Sirius: Come on.

James: We won't fight anymore.

Sirius: We promise.
Lily: No. Shepherds pie is just too much excitement. I should not have severed shepherds pie. You two always fight when we have shepherds pie.

James: That's not true.

Sirius: We fight just as much when we have pot pie-

James: -and treacle tart-

Sirius: -any kind of tart really.

James: Pudding.

Sirius: -Yorkshire pudding, especially.

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