She Said Yes!

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James: She said yes! I have a date with Lily!

Peter: Congratulations!

Remus: Well done.

Sirius: I was wondering when our bet would come to an end.

James: you made a bet?

Remus: Yes, about whether you'd acquire a date with Lily before the end of school.

Sirius: Or, ever.

James: you'd bet against me succeeding?!

Sirius: Of course not my deer-est friend. Who do you think I am?

James: I knew I could count on you Padfoot. Shame on the rest of you.



James: Right, I will let you off for now as I need to go and sort out a few things for my date. I'll see you later.


Remus: Ahem

Sirius: Yes, Yes, I'll pay you after dinner. Don't you owe Remus anything Pete?

Peter: Oh no, I'm not stupid enough to bet against Remus.


Sirius: Good to know.

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