Distraction Two

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Lily: I still don't understand why you hang around Potter and Black. They're a bad influence, all there stupid schemes and pranks.

Remus: most of their ideas are harmless, and some are quite funny.

Lily: That's no excuse. They need to grow up and start behaving properly. You shouldn't just let them push you around.

Remus: Indeed.

Lily: I like talking with you, Remus. You listen. You're also kind and mature. You're far to good for them.


Lily: Hang on, you came to speak with me for a reason, right?

Remus: Nothing in particular.

Lily: So, you just came to let me rant at you for 15 minutes?

Remus: Your company is always appreciated.


Lily: You're distracting me whilst Potter and Black do something stupid.

Remus: Look at the time, I must be off. I don't want to be late for class. Pleasure speaking with you, Lily.



Lily: They're all alike.

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