Lily Getting Detention

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Sirius: Guess what? Guess what? Guess what?

Remus: What is it, Padfoot?

Sirius: Lily's got a Detention from Minnie! (Oh, and me too but that's uninteresting)

James, Remus, Peter: What?

Lily; Quiet, Sirius. I don't want the entire tower to know. I'm Head Girl. I can't have detention.

James: I'm Head Boy, and I have detention all the time.

Lily: (ignoring James) I can't believe you got me detention, Sirius.

Sirius: I got YOU detention? It was/your idea/to prank those Slytherins.

Lily: Only because I trusted you to be experienced enough and not get caught.

Sirius: I would've gotten ya out of there if you hadn't told Minnie everything when she showed up.

Lily: I got panic, ok? I'm not used to breaking rules. You four are destroying my good reputation.

Marauders: *snort*

Lily: What now?

Remus: Lils, don't blame us. It's entirely your own fault. We didn't force you to join our antics, you did it entirely on your own.

Lily: Remus! You're supposed to be the good Marauder and on my side!

James: Why does everyone think he's good? He's diabolic!

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