3AM in the dorm

301 10 3

Sirius: You're being ridiculous,a Threstal would absolutely win.

James: Are you kidding me? A Hippogriff is way bigger and way stronger. A Threstal is all skin and bone, it'd snap like a twig on the first kick!

Sirius: It wouldn't even be able to see it! It can't snap if it doesn't get hit, Prongs.

James: They're Hippogriffs, Pads, they've obviously seen death before, they kill to eat, it would totally see-

Remus: *Suddenly* Wait, wait, - do you hear that?

Sirius: What-

Remus: Shh! Listen.

James: . . .

Sirius: . . .

James: I don't hear anything . . .

Remus: I know, and it's glorious. Go to SLEEP.

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