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Sirius: Come on, Harry. Say it. Say Padfoot.

Harry: Moony.

Sirius: Oh for f-fudges sake!

Remus: Told you. I'm his favourite. Aren't I?

Harry: Moony.

Sirius: Listen here, Harry. I'm your godfather and I'm supposed to buy you stuff. That's the deal. So the least you can do for me is say Padfoot. Pad-foot. Your mothers smart, you should be able to pick this up fairly easily.

Harry: Moony.

Sirius: No, Pad-foot.

Harry: P-

Sirius: Yes, keep going!

Harry: P-oo

Sirius: This is ridiculous, Harry. Pad-foot.

Harry: Moony

Sirius: James! Your child is broken and needs to sort out his priorities!

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