How cruel Lily Potter can be

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Sirius: James doesn't want me to plan his stag party because he thinks that I'm going to do something that will make you leave him.

Lily: . . . Well you're not going to just let that go, are you?

Sirius: of course not, I'm here for your help.

Lily: Alright, so take him out and make sure he has a good time.

Sirius: Right, And when I bring him back to my place-

Lily: At least three exotic dancers, at least.

Sirius: All with red hair-

Lily: and there names are, Daisy, Rose and Blossom.

Sirius: You're so cruel. He'll have a panic attack.

Lily: If you do it right, he might actually pass out, so make sure he's close to a couch.

Sirius: He has no idea how much of a monster you are. Does he?

Lily: Oh no, I'm waiting for the Honeymoon to show him that.

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