Werewolf assessment

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Sirius: So, in conclusion, werewolf's are very cuddly creatures who are best approached with chocolate and warm blankets.

Defense Prof: . . . . Mr. Black, what inspired your assessment of werewolves?

Sirius: I happen to have a very good friend . . . . . . .

Remus: Oh dear God.

Sirius: Who suffers very similar problems. They're practically identical really. I'm very close with this friend and I think it's only right to give them credit.

James: Sirius no!

Sirius: Miss Lily Evans?

Lily: What?

Sirius: Yes, I mean, Lily also becomes an absolute monster once a month, but that doesn't mean that we should treat her like one.

Remus: Oh thank god.

Peter: Great Presentation, Padfoot.

James: Don't encourage him, Wormtail.

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