James: you know what today is?
Lily: no why
James: stop playing, you do too!
Lily: no I don't
James: of course you do
Lily: sorry James, I don't
James: *sighs* oh never mind then
James: *walks away slowly with slight disappointment*
James: *turns around*
James: *gets hit in the face with cake*
Lily: happy birthday nerd
James: *literally has the biggest smile on his face*
James: ohhh you're going to pay for that
James: *chases Lily around their house until he catches her and gives her a kiss so now they are both covered in cake.*
Harry Potter Jokes
HumorWelcome welcome everyone to the Joke book. These Jokes are Harry Potter Jokes only. Trust me you haven't seen these ones before, I know everyone will probably say: oh ya pffft sure but trust me you haven't, there mostly Marauder jokes ^-^