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Professor McGonagall: Mister Potter?

James: . . .

Professor McGonagall: . . . Mister Potter.

James: . . .

Professor McGonagall: MISTER POTTER-

Sirius: Um, Professor?

Remus: If we may,

Sirius: Poor James here had formed a bit of a language-barrier since he's gotten back from summer break.

Professor McGonagall: I wasn't informed of any-

Remus: Here, Let us.

Sirius: *clears his throat* James. Professor Lily McGonagall Lily is Lily trying Lily to Lily ask Lily a Lily question Evans.

James: Hmm? *looks up* Yes, Professor?

Professor McGonagall: . . . This is absolutely absurd.

James: I'm sorry, can you say that again?

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