Woof Woof 2

341 11 4

Remus: *beneath cloak* This is a really bad idea you guys.

James: Don't be such a worrywart, Moony, it'll be awesome.

Sirius: Just imagine, all those itty bitty Slytherins sleeping soundly, suspecting nothing.

James: Charmingly naive.

Remus: To be fair, no one suspects unceremoniously finding themselves covered in flamingo feathers at breakfast.

Peter: *beneath the cloak* I do.

Sirius: And by lunch tomorrow, they'll never not suspect it again.

Remus: . . .anyway. This is still a bad idea; what do we do if a teacher turns up? The cloak is barley covering Wormtail and I, there's no way you two will fit.

James: We won't get caught. Now hurry up or we'll-

McGonagall: *walks around the corner*

James: *turns into a stag*

Sirius: *turns into a dog*

Remus: *groans into his fist*

McGonagall: *stares at the stag and dog standing around in an empty hallway at 2am*

McGonagall: . . .

McGonagall: I don't know how.

McGonagall: But somehow, Black and Potter are involved in this.

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