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James: So, Lily knew that I was an animagus.

Sirius: What??

James: She guessed that Remus was a werewolf too.

Remus: Yes, how could your girlfriend possibly of known?

James: I don't know-

Remus: How could she possibly have guessed that you were a stag when you were so careful, choosing a nickname like "Prongs" that's still used between your adult friends.

Sirius: . . .

Remus: How could Lily possibly know Sirius is a dog with a name like Padfoot, when once a month like clockwork there was a stag, a dog, and a wolf running across the grounds of Hogwarts.

James: Well-

Remus: How could she conceivably KNOW that I'm a werewolf when you two call me "MOONY" and I get "Ill" once a month?

James: . . .

Sirius: She's definitely psychic.

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