Special Studying

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(Lily asks James to hang out on the night of the full moon)

James: I. . . I can't. Er. . . .we have a study group tomorrow night, right, Sirius?

Sirius: Right! For. . .er. . .for muggle studies! Yeah, and you don't take that class because you were raised by muggles so. . . .

Lily: Well, all the more reason I can help, right?

James: Oh. . .n-no, you see we study a special way. . .um-

Sirius: NAKED!

Remus: . . . . . *facepalm*

James: . . . . .

Lily: . . . Naked?

James: *strained* Yes. Naked.

Sirius: That. . . .that is the way we do it, so. . . .um. . . . .

Lily: you. . . .you sure?

Sirius: Yeahhhhhh. Remus here gets really shy around other people when we do our. . . . .naked studying. . . .so it's best you just leave us be. . .tomorrow night. . . . .when we're studying. . . .naked.

Remus: *hiding his face*

Sirius: See? poor blokes embarrassed already. Okay, we'll just be going then.

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