Drunk Muggle Games

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Draco: okay Granger, teach us a muggle game.

Hermione: uhm.... okay! How about "Fuck, Marry, Kill"?

Harry: That's the one you want to play!?

Ron: I don't know what it is but I like it already.

Hermione: *smirks at Harry* See? I know my audience.

Pansy: Yeah yeah, whatever, how do you play?

Hermione: basically, someone picks three people and you have to decide which one you would Fuck, which one you would marry and which one you would kill. Or you can pass and take a drink.

Draco: why on earth would you pass???

Harry: Mundungus Fletcher. Argus Filch. Corenlious Fudge. Fuck, Marry, Kill

Draco and Ron: PASSSSSS *both drink*

Pansy: Kill Filch, Marry Fletcher And Fuck Fudge.

Harry: How did you decide so quickly?!

Hermione: Fletcher is a thief and can get her nice things, sleeping with Fudge is good for blackmail and Killing Filch was a given.

Pansy: She's right, she does know her audience.

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