The Whomping Willow

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Sirius: I'm bored.

James: Me too.

. . .

Sirius: Hey Prongs?

James: Yeah, Padfoot?

Sirius: Do you think that the whomping willow only hits things because no one tries to hit it back?

Remus: . . . What?

James: What do you mean?

Sirius: I mean . . . It always wins. So maybe . . . If it lost a fight . . .

Remus: you can't be serio-

James: Remus.

Sirius: *grinning*

Remus: . . . You can't honestly believe that the Whomping Willow will stop hitting you if you hit it back.

Sirius: Dunno, Moony.

James: sounds like pretty solid logic to me.

Remus: There's absolutely nothing logical abou- where are you two going?

Sirius: To test my brilliant theory.

James: We'll be back, Moony, don't wait up.

*30 minutes later*

James: . . .Hey Moony?

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