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I'll update Ten jokes a day, that's my minimum. If I'm felling extremely happy I'll post 15 or 20.

Anyway welcome to Harry Potter Jokes. If you don't like Harry Potter then leave now before I Avada Kedavra you :)

And if you leave hate comments well then I'll make sure you get the dementors kiss.

After I'll make sure your body is buried :) because I'm a nice person, I wouldn't let the Nargles get at ya.

Anyways enjoy and I hope this makes you laugh if you're having a dull day or a bad one ^-^

Most of them will be of the Marauders, because well who doesn't love them? Anyways ENJOY.

I'll stop rambling before I bore you all to death.

P.S please don't judge my spelling, Yes English is my native language but I'm a very bad speller. If you see errors, feedback is very appreciated.

Also some jokes are very dirty so if you're a very pure innocent person. Well then I'd advise you to leave immediately before you loose your innocents.

I know you're out there dirty minders such as myself. I lost mine at 6

*cough* moving on.......

And Also don't take these jokes to siriusly, this a joke book. Not a Sirius book.

See what I did there- ok I really need to stop talking.

Now ahem I'm done.

Love you my little Nargels!


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