Tris' P.O.V

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An hour later there is a knock on my door.  It's Tobias.  He walks right in and sits on the bed,next to me.  His hand holds a muffin out to me.  I shake my head.  "You do deserve food Tris.  Please." I turn away.  I hear him start to cry.  He thinks he is silent.  Zeke told him.  Fuck.  When he stops crying,he sets the muffin on my nightstand and lies down next to me.  I roll over and place my head on his chest.  I can hear his heartbeat.  I will never get to hear my parent's.  Or Caleb's.  "Why did I do this?" I mumble to myself.  I think he heard me.  "You did nothing.  The universe isn't always fair." He says.  I look up at him.  My parents would've wanted me to move on,but that because they're Abnegation.  I don't know about Caleb though.  I fall asleep thinking.  What would they want me to do?  They look at me.  "Beatrice.  You need to go out and have fun.  It's okay." Mom and dad say.  I give them a big hug and look to Caleb.  "Good job." He says and looks at me.  I run into a hug.  It's over.  I wake up.  I don't want to.  But I do.
         Live my life.  I need to live life.  I wake up and it's almost lunch time.  I get up and change into my pants with special knife pickets.  Then my combat boots and a tight,black, tank top.  Tobias follows me. I wave for Jim to follow me.  We head to the dining hall and sit in our usual spot.  I don't eat anything,but it's a start. Slowly, everyone comes and sits down.  When Chris comes over,she brings me a big piece of cake.  "You know that's my weakness." I say and look at her.  She is smiling.  "Mine too." Tobias says with his mouth full of food.  This makes me laugh.
    It feels good to laugh.  I can fell that everyone is less tense around me.  I eat the cake and head back to my apartment and remember that we are picking jobs tomorrow. I'm so excited. 
  what would Caleb want me to chose?  I want to train initiates with four.  There are two spots left for that and I get first pick.What else do I want to do? I hear a knock on the door and I rush to answer.  I don't know why though.  It's Tobias. "Hi."He says.I let him in and we sit on the bed in silence.  I lean over and give him a long kiss.  When we stop,he smiles.  Our lips draw together again and we kiss passionately.  I pull away and lay in the crook of his neck.  After dinner,I go to the tattoo parlor with Chris.  She want to get a tattoo of a cactus on her shoulder.  I think it's a bad idea,but it's not my choice.  To be honest when it's done,it looks cool.  We walk to the clothing store and she tries to style me.  "Please.  Just one more." I sigh and give in.  I leave with a little bit of make-up,while she carries 6 bags of clothes.  I go back to my apartment and go to sleep.
         I wake up and get ready.  First I get dressed and brush my hair and teeth.  Then I change into my favorite outfit,a tight,black,tank top and black leggings.  Lastly,I put on a little bit of make-up.  I walk out to breakfast and everyone is already there.  I don't get anything,I feel a bit nauseous.  We are picking jobs right after this.  The whole breakfast is spent talking about jobs.  Eric calls us all to tables and starts his speech.  "When I call your name you will pick a job or jobs.  You will go in order of your ranking.  First up,Tris." I walk up and pick tattoo artist and initiate trainer.  Uriah also wants to train initiates.  When I pick my jobs,they show up on a screen.  As I pick it I hear many sighs from the crowd.  Oh well. Everyone knows that Tobias and I are dating after the attack on abnegation.  He smiles at me and I give him a thumbs up.  After the ceremony we are allowed to visit our families and tell them about our jobs.  Instead,Tobias and I walk to his apartment.  We have no one worth telling.  We lie down on the bed.  I'm so bored.  "Tris?"I nod, acknowledging
that I heard him.  "Would you like to move in with me?" He asks and i nod. 

Thanks for reading!!! Please critique me in the comments and leave some suggestions.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now