Tobias' P.O.V.

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"Tr..Tris?" I asks,stuttering. She nods and roll towards me. "But you're dead." I say. I want to believe that it's her. She shakes her head. She rolls off and I greet her with a hug. All the initiates are watching us. Tears roll down my cheeks. I've never been so happy in my entire life. "I love you Tobias." She whispers in my ear. I pull my head back and kiss her. I have longed for this kiss for almost a year. Our eyes meet. "It's me." She says and I smile. We turn around and see the iniates. "What's going on?" Asks James. "My wife has been missing for almost a year and her fake body was found in the chasm." He looks at me and I laugh.
In the middle of the tour,Zeke and Uriah see her. She goes up to them and they talk a bit before she returns. We finish the tour and go to the cafeteria. I assume Christina doesn't know. I walk in and Tris does,behind me. Christina jumps for joy. As soon as Tris tells me what he did my hands squeeze into a fist and I zone out.   Rage boils over inside of me and it stays like that even through training the initiates with the guns.  Tris is going to take us to this secret place after dinner and I am worried. 
     We get there and i feel like I'm going to explode.  I bang my hands against the wall and dent it.  I go to do it again,but she pulls me back.  Eric lays in the floor and Christina walks towards him.  Tris says something and then walk up to him and jumps on his balls.  I will never fight with her.  Geez.
      On the way back to the apartment,I take her to the hospital.  She's skin and bone.  They say that she is dehydrated, malnourished,and has a minor concussion. They want to keep her overnight and Before she can say no,i say yes.  They hook her up to several machines and we lay there.  "What did you do when I was gone?" She says.  "I sulked and went zip lining" I say and smile.  "You went zip lining!" She replies and claps her hands.  "I love you." I say.  "I love you too." She replies as her eyes start to close.
          After she falls asleep,I think of how we should tell Caleb.  I should schedule an appointment and have her come from behind me.  I fall asleep too. When I wake up,I go and schedule the appointment.  As I return,I see a nurse coming out of her room.  I walk right in and see her heart rate is slowing down.
    "I just planned a meeting with Caleb.  Since he doesn't know your alive.  We will surprise him tomorrow.  I already checked,you can leave tonight." I say enthusiastically.  She laughs  "Hello to you too" she say and smirks.  I lift up my hand and wave with a big grin on my face.  "That's gonna be awesome" She says.  "I'm sorry" She says and changes the tone.  Her eyes well up with tears,but she doesn't cry.  "For what?"   "For not getting out sooner." She replies.  I get up to go sit by her.  "That wasn't your fault.  You didn't have a choice Tris." I says and find the bed sheets suddenly very interesting.  "You sacrificed your own life for me.  I thought I would never see you again.  You could've come back ten years later and I'd still be ecstatic to see you" I say and the corners of her mouth turn up.  "I didn't want to leave you." She says.  "I didn't want you to go either.". " I think you would've done fine in Abnegation." I say jokingly.  We joke around for a few hours before she calls the doctor in.  Turns out,she okay to leave now.  On our way to the apartment we pick up some of her medicine.
       I'm totally out of it.  I don't know if I'm mad or happy.  We go to bed and after a while I feel that Tris isn't there.  She's on the floor.  I go with her and she uses me as a pillow.  Her breathing steadies.  That was the one thing I've wanted to hear.  Her heartbeat,loud and clear.
      I wake up and I need to leave.  We will start fights today because I know that Tris likes to be there for the knives.  I leave her a note and leave. 
     All the initiates suck.  I don't think many of them will get into dauntless.  If they do,they will need to be fast in the fear simulations.  I doubt they will be.  We break for lunch and I stay back to figure out the next fights.  They were all completely uninteresting. The next fights will be...
Rose and Natalie
Max and Michael
Hazel and James

When they all get back,we start immediately.  Natalie, Max,and James won.  Natalie and Max have the most potential in my opinion,but they still suck.
       I head to the cafeteria and see that everyone is already there.  I grab a burger and sit down.  "What are the odds any of them will get in?" Asks Tris.  "Well, probably 25% based on what I've observed." We laugh.  "Lucky you two that you didn't have to be worried about your ranking." Says Zeke.  "Yeah we did.  Oh you never saw me in the beginning.  I was terrible." Tris replies.  "It's true." I say and take a big bite of my burger.  They all laugh and I almost choked. 
        Tris and I head back to the apartment and sit down.  We start to watch a movie.  I plant a kiss on her forehead as the movie started.  The blushed and snuggled into me.  I love her so much and can't live without her.  She looks up at me and smiles.  She brings her lips up to mine.  I wrap my arms around her to deepen the kiss.  That night,stuff happened...

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now