Tris' P.O.V.

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I pull all of these machines off of me and get up.  "Where is he?" I ask.  Christina and Uriah grab me and guide me to the bed. " I hate this stupid hospital gown" I say and Christina hands me some of her clothes.  They're big on me but I don't care.  "I need to see him." I say.  She shakes her head.  "He hasn't woken up yet." Uriah says.  A nurse comes running in.  "Where is he?" I ask.  "Room 417" she says and I run out.  Tears start to stream downy face. 
       I pause outside the door and prepare for what I'm about to see.  I open the door and see him hooked up to more than a dozen machines.  Zeke sits next to him.  I fall to my knees.  I drag myself to the bed and sit next to him.  His eyes are closed and his leg is bandaged.  "Will is gone." I say and look down.  Zeke looks at me.  A tears escapes his eye.  "I'm sorry" he says. 
     I don't want to talk to anyone.  Only Tobias.  He was my life.  Will is gone.  I need him.  He should be here.  I bring his hand to my head.  A doctor comes walking in.  "He's in a coma." He says and I look up.  "Will he wake up?" I ask and he shrugs.  His body is covered in ash.  He looks so peaceful.  Like he's sleeping.  Zeke walks towards me.  He rests his hand on my back.  "It's okay.  He'll be okay." Zeke starts to walk out.  "You don't know that."I say and the door closes.  "Tobias please.  I need you.  Please wake up." I plead.  He doesn't move. 
        I want to die.  My life is falling apart.  There is a knock on the door and I look up.  Caleb.  He walks over to me.  "Are you okay?" He asks.  "My baby is dead and my husband is in a coma.  What do you think?" I say and bang my head on the side of his hospital bed.  "Beatrice.  Stop." He says.  "Its Tris." I say firmly.  He backs away. 
         I run up and hug him.  I cry into his shirt.  "I'm sorry" I say through my sobs.  "You have nothing to be sorry for." He replies.  He holds my head into his chest.  My tears soak his dress shirt.  "You need to get back to work" I say and wipe my nose.  "I don't care.  I need to be with you." He says and it makes me feel warm inside.  We sit down next to him and I hold both of their hands.  My head leans on Caleb's shoulder. 
       I need him to wake up. He protected me.  He saved me.  "He needs to wake up." I say into Caleb's shirt.  He nods his head.  One of his tears fall onto my head.  I look at his ankle and see that it had burnt his tattoo off.  I look down at my tattoo on my ankle.  It reminds me of all the fun times we've had.  We need to have more together.  Our days are limited and they might be cut even shorter.    He has to wake up.
          My eyes start to close and I fall asleep.  I don't want to.  What if he wakes up and I'm asleep?  I try to fight it,but I can't. 

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now