Tris' P.O.V.

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Tears roll down all of our faces. I grab his hand and cry. Suddenly,I hear the monitor start beeping again. I look up and see it. He's breathing on his own. I burst out into hysterical sobs. The doctor claps and leaves the room. I regain my composure and sit down. He's not gone. My Tobias is alive. I feel pats on my back.
I press his hand to my forehead. He's going to make it. He'll be okay. Within an hour,I'm the only one left in the room. It's a miracle. "I love you Tobias. Thank you." I say and smile. "If you can hear me,try to squeeze my hand." I say and try to coax him. Nothing happens. I fall asleep with his fingers intertwined with mine.
I wake up and go to the bathroom to get ready. There isn't a mirror,so I just brush my hair and teeth. Suddenly,I hear something behind me. I turn around and see To is walking towards me. I run,the short distance,to him. He wraps his arms around me. "Thank you." I say. He's limping because of his leg,so I walk him back to bed just as a nurse comes walking in. I lay him back in bed and sit next to him. "Will didn't make it." I say and look down. "I told you to go. I told you to leave me." He says. How dare he? "I couldn't leave you Tobias.
You're my world." I say and he gives me the look. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't do it." I say as a tear runs down my cheek. He looks at my face. "Your scars." He says. "How long was I gone for?" Tobias asks curiously. "About 3 weeks." I say and his eyes widen
"3 weeks?!" He looks shocked. I nod. "I'm so sorry" he says. "I didn't want to leave." The doctor comes rushing in. "When can I leave?" Tobias asks immediately. "Whenever." The doctor replies. He immediately starts to take the IVs out without help. The doctor tries to help him,but Tobias won't let him. He gets up and tries to walk. He can't quite walk very well. His body leans onto mine for support as I walk him out. Normally,we'd go by train,but I don't know if he can. "How are we getting back?" I ask. "Train" he simply replies. "Are you sure?" I ask and he nods.
The train starts to rumble down the tracks. Tobias starts to run,not very well. I run next to him and jump on. I grab his arm and drag him in. "Thanks" he says once we get in. I nod my head as if to say 'no problem.' we sit down and hold each other. His eyes meet mine and we kiss. We kiss with love and passion.
"Can we stop at the tattoo parlor on the way back?" He nods and we stand up. It will be time to jump soon. I grab his hand and we jump. He uses me to stabilize himself,causing me to fall. "Tris I'm so Sorry" he says nad helps me up. "I'm fine" I reply and we make our way to the tattoo parlor.
I get all of the supplies ready and begin. After a half our,it's done. It say 'will' in cursive on my heel with two hearts next to it. I walk out and to the dining hall for dinner. We sit down and everyone looks surprised to see him. "When did you get here?" Uriah asks. "We got here about an hour ago and Tris stopped to get a tattoo." I can see everyone looking me up and down,looking for it. Before I sit down, I bring Tobias 3 pieces of cake. He smiles and shoves it into his mouth. I smile at my plate and mess with my food. My head hangs low and a tear drips onto my plate. Thankfully,I don't think anyone notices.
I hear slight whispers between everyone. Tobias puts his hand on my leg,smearing cake on my pants. "Dude" I say, smiling. He smirks back at me and laughs. Everyone goes back to eating except me. "Tris,you need to eat." I hear everyone say. I shake my head. "Me not eating,won't effect anyone else anymore." I say and get up, leaving my food on the table.
Tears flow down my cheeks as I run out if the compound. Why did he have to go? I already lost Will once. I didn't need to pose him again.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now