Tris' P.O.V.

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"Candor or Dauntless at my place tonight."Zeke says.  I shift my eyes to Tobias and he nods.  "We'll be there." I say.  We all get up and Tobias wheels me to the apartment.  "Can you help put me in some layers?" I ask.  I hate being dependant on someone else.  He nods and puts me on a sweatshirt and sweatpants.  "We should get going." I say.  "Okay." He says and looks down.  "What's wrong?" I ask.  I can see it in his eyes.  "I don't trust them." He replies.  "It'll be okay.  You'll be there anyway." I say, but I can tell that he's still nervous. 

Tobias knocks on the door and it opens right away.  He wheels me towards the couch, where Zeke and Uriah are sitting.  I can see Tobias giving them both the death stare. I squeeze his hand and he looks at me instead.  A few minutes later, Christina knocks on the door and walks in. 

"Four,Candor or Dauntless?" Asks Zeke.  Tobias just glares at him.  "Dauntless." He says with hesitantly.  "Slap the person you most want to kill in this room." Oh no.  He gets up and slaps Uriah in the face.  His face immediately turns red.  Tobias just smirks.  "Christina, Candor or Dauntless?" "Candor." She says.  "Do you believe that Uriah meant to try and kill Tris?" He asks.  "Four." I say.  Why would he do this?  Uriah walks out.  Christina shrugs.  I hate that I can't just walk to Uriah.  "Why would you do that to him?" I ask Tobias.  He shrugs.

"I thought I knew you better than that." I say and I feel a burning sensation on my face.  Tobias walks out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.  I just sit with a shocked look on my face.  A tear slips down my cheek.  Not from the stinging pain, but from the fact that he hit me.  My eyes squeeze together as I try to blink the tears away.  Just then, Uriah comes out and sees me.  Zeke and Chris are in shock, not knowing what to do.  "What happened?" He asks and notices the redness on one side of my face. "He hit her." Zeke says.  "I'm fine" I say quickly and look at my feet.  "Why would he do that?" Uriah asks.  "I don't know.  I just asked him why he'd say that." I reply.  I don't want to go back home tonight.  I don't want to face him again.  "Can someone take me home?" I ask and Zeke gets up.  He puts on the prosthetic and begins to push me down the hall.  Suddenly, he just stops.  "Zeke?" I ask.  "I thought I heard something." He replies and continues to push me.  I hear feet shuffle behind us, but when I look, there is nothing there.  Zeke starts to walk faster and we hear the footsteps quicken.  Zeke turns around to look and Immediately stops and let's go of the wheelchair.  "What are you doing?" I ask. He doesn't respond.  What's wrong with him?

I see the figure walk to my right.  "Hello stiff." He says in a scratchy voice.  Peter.  "What do you want Peter?" I ask.  I look back and see Zeke just standing there.  "We need serums to control divergents." He replies slowly.   He must not know that Uriah is divergent.  "What did you do to him?" I ask with tears running down my face.  "You mean the Pedrads?  That's the only way I could get to you.  Through people you trusted." He says and starts to wheel me away.  No.  Tobias.  I need him.  Where is he taking me?  I feel a poke in my neck and I'm gone.  My vision goes black and I can't hear a thing.  This is it. 

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now