Tobias' P.O.V.

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I wake up and Tris isn't there.  There is noises coming from the kitchen.  I get up and walk out groggily.  3 cakes are sitting on the counter with a fork.  Our eyes meet and she smiles.  I run up to her and our lips lock.  It takes a second,but she kisses back.  After a few moments,we pull apart and look to each other.  Big smiles cover our faces.  My eyes shift to the cake and she nods towards it.  I sit down and start to eat one of them.  It's so good.  Since I have three,I cut her some and she eats hers with a fork.  After we eat,I go to get ready.  I put on the usual black tee shirt and black jeans after my shower.  When I'm done,she takes her shower.  I take this time to put the ring into my pocket.  Luckily there is no bulge in the pocket.  She comes out and I'm sitting on the couch.  I hear her walk up behind me.  Her arms wrap around my neck and she rests her chin on top of my head.  "Why hello there." I say without looking up.  I feel her smile.  I grab her and flip her over the couch,next to me.  She laughs and I smile. She's even more beautiful when she laughs.  Our picnic by the chasm is scheduled for 7:30.  That means we will skip dinner,but go to lunch with the gang.  She is wearing a flowy dress with no straps.  It looks amazing.  Maybe not in her opinion, but it is in mine. 
          We sit and watch this new thing erudite made called a TV.  It plays movies and shows for entertainment.  Tris and I love this show called the Big Bang Theory.  It's hilarious.  We watch 7 episodes before we look at the time.  We've already missed lunch.  Lunch ends at 2 and it's 2:17.  There is a knock on the door so I get up to answer it.  It's Christina,Zeke,and Uriah.  They are holding some food.  Tris looks back at them.  "You missed lunch, so we brought some food." Zeke says and Tris gets up and walks over.  "Thanks.  We were watching TV and lost track of the time." They hand us the food and say goodbye.  "Thanks.  Bye." We both say as I close the door.  Within two minutes we are entranced in another episode, occasionally stopping to eat some food.  This show is hilarious. 
               After the food,I go grab us more of the cake she made.  "This is so good." I say as I stuff my face.  The corners of her mouth turn up.  She looks at me and kisses my chocolate covered face.  I love her more than anything in the world.  We get so wrapped up in the TV show that it's already almost time for the picnic.   I asked if the gang would set it up before we got there and they agreed.  It's time to go.  I turn the TV off and grab her hand.  "Where are you taking me?"She asks suspiciously.  "Nowhere." I reply and she smiles.  We reach the chasm and the picnic is set up at the rock.  She gasps and gives me a hug.  We sit down and have a picnic.  When we are done,Tris starts to fold up the blanket.  I reach my hand into my pocket and grab the box.  I go down on one knee  and she looks surprised.  Her mouth opens wide and so do her eyes.  "Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Tears start to drip down her cheeks and she goes silent.  Oh no.

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