Tris' P.O.V.

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We mix up all the dares in the hat.  Christina goes first. Her hand plucks out a single pice of folded paper.  She groans.  "Who wrote take 10 shots of mayo?" She says and laughs. Zeke raises his hand.  "You know how much I hate mayo!" She says.  I give her a shot glass and a jar of mayonnaise.  She takes the ten shots and looks like she was going to throw up the whole time.  She doesn't though.  Uriah goes next.  His says 'let every player slap you in the face'.  We all line up and we all slap him in the face as hard as we can.  His face turns completely red.  "I'll go next" I say.  I pick one up.  It says 'drink a full cup of hot sauce.' I grab a measuring cup and measure out a cup.  I start to drink and I hear Uriah yelling "CHUG, CHUG,CHUG." I almost spit it out.  By the end,my mouth is tender,but I'm fine.  Tobias just laughs at how easily I did it.
          Zeke reaches in and picks one.  I hope it's mine.  "Fight Tris." He reads aloud.  I get a smirk on my face.  "Who wrote this?" He asks.  Uriah raises his hand.  Tobias leans against the wall and laughs.  We walk to the training room and head to the ring.  I get ready to fight and so does he.  I can see the sweat dripping down his face.  "Fight" yells Christina.  He comes at me and goes to punch my gut.  I grab his arm and twist it behind him.  I yank him to the ground,where I kick him in the sides a little before helping him up.  "You okay?" I ask and he nods.  We walk back to the apartment and find a note taped to the door.   It reads... Dear Christina, Zeke, Uriah, Four,and Tris
        I've left Chicago and I'm going to explore outside the fence.  I will miss you all.

We put the note on the table and walk in silently.  Shot.  Tobias got my dare.  He reaches his hand in and pulls it out.  "have you pick a tattoo for another player and they will pick one for you." He says.  "Tris." He says and smiles at me.  "I will pick a tattoo for you and you will pick one for me." He says.  "Okay,I'll tattoo yours and someone else will tattoo mine" I say and we head to the tattoo parlor.
         I want to give him a tattoo of dauntless cake on his calf.  I hope he doesn't pick something bad.  At least it will cover some of my scars.  I pat the tattoo chair with my hand and he sits down.  I make a stencil and put it on his leg.  Its not that big.  "You ready?" I say and he nods.  "Ready as I'll ever be" he says and I put the needle into his leg.  Within an hour,his is done.  Now,its my turn.  I cover his with tape and paper towel.  The other artist at the parlor will do mine.  He better not screw this up.
      He puts the stencil on my ankle.  The artist begins.  Honestly,it doesn't hurt that bad at all.  Within 45 minutes,mine is done.  He covers it with some tape and a paper towel.  I stand up and we both walk to the mirrors.  Our eyes meet and we smile.  "One...


I say and we peel off the paper towel.  He laughs and smiles.  That's the first time I've seen him laugh since I got back.  "Do you like it?" I ask nervously.  "I love it." He says and picks me up.  I look down at my ankle and it is the word ' survivor  ' wrapped around my ankle.  Tears well up in my eyes and he looks concerned.  "I love it" I say.  And a tear falls down my cheek.  We walk back to the apartment where we find Christina,Zeke,and Uriah.  "How'd it go?" She asks and I smile.  First,they look at mine.  Then his.  Their faces light up with smiles.  "Who write this?" Tobias asks.  "Me" I say and look down.  "Thank you" he says and I blush.  "We should be getting home by
  now" Tobias says and we say goodnight.
            We get to the apartment and lie on the bed.  His arm wraps round my waist and my head is in the crook of his arm.  My eyes start to close and I fall asleep.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now