Tris' P.O.V.

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They start to walk towards us.  Tobias pulls me behind his back as if to protect me.  "Zeke stop." Tobias commands and they just laugh.  This isn't them.  I know it.  They wouldn't prank us like this.  "Hand over Tris." Uriah commands.  Tobias shakes his head.  They are now right in front of us.  "Hand her over or we will take her." They say in sync.  They must be under a syrum.  "No" Tobias says.  Zeke slaps him across the face.  He stands his ground.  Uriah walks up behind me and yanks me away.  I let out a blood curdling scream.  Tobias turns around and I see fear in his eyes as Uriah drags me back.   "Watch out!" I yell as Zeke kicks into his gut.  He falls to the ground where Zeke repeatedly kicks him.  "No.noooo!" I scream as he drags me away.  Tobias' body lies limp and still on the floor. 

They both grab me and start to drag me out.  I take my leg and step on Uriah's shoe, making him fall.  I use my free arm to punch Zeke in the gut.  He backs up and I kick him where it counts.  He falls over in pain.  I kick him in the temple and he's out.  Uriah grabs me and pins me to the wall.  His arms pin my hands and he steps on my feet.  I hit my head into his and he let's my hands go.  I hit his throat and he falls to the ground.  He doesn't get up.  What did I do?  They were my friends.   How could they do this to me?  Then I remember.  Tobias.  I run back to the training room and find Christina walking in from the other door.  Our eyes meet and we rush to Tobias.  "Tris.  What happened?" Christina asks urgently.  "We came in and Zeke and Uriah wanted to take me.  Uriah grabbed me.  Zeke beat Four and then took me out of here.  I knocked them both unconscious." I say quickly. 

I see the bruises on Tobias' face from Zeke. They were friends.  His eyes open and he sees me.   "Are you okay?" He asks and sits up.  He winces.  "I'm fine.  I knocked them out." I say and help him up.  Tobias tries to walk, but can't yet.  I help him to the infirmary and we sit in the waiting room.    Turns out, he has a concussion and a sprained wrist.  We walk out and he has a wrap on his wrist.  I didn't even notice the bruises and redness all over my body. 

We go into the apartment and I sit on the couch with my head in my hands.  I have a pounding headache.  Tobias flops down next to me and I start to cry.  " Thought they were our friends." I say.  "I did too." After a few minutes there is a knock on the door.  Tobias goes to get up, but I stop him.  He's not supposed to be too active.  I open the door and Christina stands there.  "Oh my gosh, Tris are you okay?" She says frantically.  She walks in and sits on the chair.  "I think so.  Four has a sprained wrist and concussion.  I didn't have the infirm check on me." I say.  "They both are in the infirmary." Chris says as if that would be better.  "I just don't understand why they'd do that." She says.  "We don't either." Tobias chimes in.  There is another knock on the door.  Chris opens it and a man steps in.  He's the head of dauntless I think.  "Sit down." I say and he sits in the other chair.  "We asked them what happened, but they claim to not know.  We didn't find any evidence of a serum." He says.  "Should they be kicked out of Dauntless?  This is up to you two to decide." He says and I look at Tobias.   They were our friends.  "Please excuse us for a moment." I say and we walk to the bedroom.  We sit on the bed. 

"What do you think?" I ask and he shrugs.  "They wanted you.  Why?" He says.  "I don't know." I reply and look down.  "Let them stay." I say through a sigh.  Tobias nods and we walk out.  "They can stay." Tobias says and he nods.  He walks out and closes the door.  They were our friends after all.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now