Tobias' P.O.V.

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I can't believe Tris is pregnant.  I'm going to ba a dad.  We're going to be parents.  I'm finally going to have a family with her.  I lean in and kiss her.  Soon enough,there will be a baby here.  Tears roll down my face.  She snuggles into me and we watch some TV.  I can't even focus on the show.  I had thought I lost her forever.  Now she's here with me.  I love her more than anything in the world. 
         They will announce the rankings at dinner.  I hope at least half of them make it.  Tris and I hold hands as we walk to the cafeteria.  I grab my food and Tris grabs hers.  She grabs almost as much as I do.  What can I say,she eating for two.  When are we going to tell them?  I'm ecstatic.
          I hear the room go silent as someone walks to the stage area. A screen behind him turns on and shows the rankings. 

1. Ally DB
2 Roman DB
3 Rose
4 Max
5 Mallory DB
6 Isaac DB
7 Michael
8 Lori DB
9 Hazel
10 Tony DB

            At least only two if ours are factionless.  We all clap for the ones who made it,while the ones who didn't,sulk.  "Told you" Tris says to Zeke and they laugh.  I smile.  This smile has been plastered on my face since she told me.  "What's up with him?" Uriah says and points to me.  Everyone shrugs.  Even Tris.  I'm surprised that Christina doesn't catch her lie.  The smile fades from my face and we start to eat.  "Candor or Dauntless at my place tonight!" Uriah yells.  I don't think many people heard him though.  Tris and I get up to go to the apartment.  "Bye!" She yells as we walk through the door. 
         We get to the apartment and flop on to the bed.  "Names?" I ask her.  "Maybe Will." She says hesitantly.  "Sounds good.  What about a girl?" I ask.  I try to think of good names,but I can't.  "I don't know." She replies.  "It should be something unique." She says.  "Sky" I say.  "Sounds beautiful." She says and gives me a kiss.  "We should start to get ready " I say and we get up.  I put on a t shirt,leather jacket,and my shoes.  Tris comes out wearing a tank top,a t shirt,a jacket,leggings,and combat boots.  "Let's get going" I say and we head out the door. 
        I knock on the door and it opens immediately.  We walk in and find that Christina,Zeke,Uriah,Tris,and I are the only ones.  Oh well.  We all sit in a circle and Uriah starts.  "Four, Candor or Dauntless?" "Dauntless." I reply.  "Tell us why you were so happy today" I look down and take off my jacket.  "Zeke,Candor or..." I'm interrupted by Tris getting up and running to the bathroom.  She throws up and comes back a few minutes later.  "You okay?" Christina asks.  "Yeah." She says.  "So anyway,Zeke, Candor or Dauntless?" I ask.  "Candor." "Would you rather kill Uriah it me?" I ask and laugh.  "I don't know.  I don't want my brother to die,but I don't want to fight Tris again." He says and we all laugh.  "I'd rather kill you" he says.  "Fair enough." I reply.  "Tris,Candor or Dauntless?" He asks.  "Candor." "Do you know why Four was so happy earlier?" He asks and She nods.  "Chris,Candor or Dauntless?" She asks.  "Dauntless." "Let me throw knives at you." She says and Christina looks around nervously.  I laugh inside because of what Tris did when she threw knives at my head. 
          Christina thanks off her jacket.  "I don't like the idea of knives being thrown at me by anyone." She says and puts an emphasis on anyone.  "Uriah,Candor or Dauntless?"she asks.  I feel Tris lean on to my shoulder.  "Dauntless." "Take 11 shots" he nods and gets up with everyone else.  They look at Tris leaning against me.  They have goodbye as I pick up a sleeping Tris.  I somehow open the door on the first try.  I lay her down on the bed and lie down next to her.  Hopefully we can finally settle down and raise our family together.

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