Tris' P.O.V.

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After we spent all of our anniversary watching TV, Tobias grabbed my hand and led me out of the apartment.  We didn't lock the door,but okay.  He walked me down to the chasm,where we first kissed.  There was a whole picnic set up.  I gave him a big hug.  I daze into the water and remember Al.  How I could've saved him if I had forgiven him.  We enjoy our awesome picnic.  How did he set this up?  I was with him all day.  We sat for hours,just talking, laughing,kissing.  We finally decide to clean up and head back to the apartment.We pack up everything except the blanket.  I turn the way we came and start to fold the large blanket.  When I turn around I see Tobias on one knee.  "Tris,will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He asks.  Tears start to fall. 
             It goes dead silent and he looks worried.  I just think about how my parents won't be there.  And it's my fault.  His smile disappears and he starts to get up.  "Yes." I say and smile.  He picks me up and spins me around like a rag doll.  I laugh and he puts the ring on my finger.  It's beautiful.  It has some dauntless and a touch of Abnegation.  We head back to the apartment and lie on the bed.  I place my head in the crook of his arm and we smile.  His breathing steadies and he falls asleep.  I can't sleep though.  All I can think about is how neither of my parents will be there.  No one.  Only Caleb.  My heart starts to race and I try to cry silently so I don't wake him up.    My eyes get droopy and I fall asleep in his arms.  He is my family  now.
                I wake up and see that he isn't there.  My head moves around frantically.  I hear silverware clink around in the kitchen.  I jump out of bed and run up behind him.  When I grab his shoulders he jumps a little.  He finished off the last cake.  He tosses me over his shoulder and carries me to the couch.  We had slept in and missed breakfast.  Again.   I flop on the couch and take up all the space. He smiles and laughs at me jokingly.  I move my legs and he sits next to me.  "When do you want to have the wedding?" He asks.  I think about it.  "I don't know.  What do you think?" He shrugs and puts on his thinking face.  "Next week?" He asks hesitantly.  "Sure." I say.  I get up and grab a book from the shelf and start to read.  After a few minutes,he notices.  "Your erudite is showing," he says and laughs.  "Ha ha,. Very funny." I say.  I continue my book.  I'm reading".The Fault in our Stars." It is a love story about two kids with cancer.  I love it. 
         "Lunch?" I ask an hour later.  He nods as we walk out the door.  I lock the door and we continue to walk.  I grab a burger and sit down.  Tobias and I sit down first.  Then Zeke, Christina,and Uriah.Zeke immediately looks at my hand.  Then to Tobias and smirks.  I look Tobias and he is smiling.  We all sit down and start to eat.  "Salutations my friends." Uriah says loudly.  "Hello Uriah." We all say, sounding sarcastic. All of us laugh.  I pick up my burger and take a bite.  Christina's eyes widen and she looks like she is choking.  She quickly swallows her food.  "OMYGOSHCONGRADULATIONS!" She practically screams.  Everyone looks at us.  "Tris and Four are getting married!" She yells and they all cheer and pump their fists.  I tilt my head down.  She knows how much I don't like attention.  Tobias smirks a little and blushes.  Uriah just looks surprised.  Zeke laughs.  "Can I plan it?" She asks me.  I look to Tobias and he looks back at me.  "Sure." He says and I nod.  "When were you thinking?" She asks.  "Next week." I say.  She nods.  "We're going dress shopping tomorrow.  Invite some people if you wanna." She says,giddy with excitement.  "You guys need to go get suits tomorrow." She says and looks at the guys.  I laugh.  I can't imagine Uriah in a suit.  "What's so funny?" Asks Uriah.  "I can't imagine you dressing like that." I say and everyone agrees,even Uriah.  Tobias, Christina,and I all head to her apartment to discuss.
        By the end,we are having it in 5 days in the pit.  We leave because it is getting late.  Christina had made us some dinner while we were there.  Tomorrow I go dress shopping.  I'm not too excited.  I hate shopping.

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