Tris' P.O.V.

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I wake up and Caleb is gone. It's only Tobias and I. He's not even here. Only his body. A nurse walks in and writes something down. "Can you send the doctor in?" I ask as she's leaving. She nods her head and the door closes. A few minutes later,the doctor walks in. "What are the odds that he will wake up?" I ask as soon as the door closes. "17%" he replies.
My heart sinks to my stomach. "Is there anything we can do to make it a higher chance?" I ask. He shakes his head. "We've given him everything we can. The rest is up to him" he says. I close my eyes and clutch his hand. "It's up to you. Do whatever you think." I say. Even though I want him to come back. I'm selfish.
I press my lips to his hand gently. I miss him already. I miss his deep blue eyes. I miss his smile. I miss his the way he'd always stare at me in the morning. I miss how he'd wrap his arms around me at night. I miss it all.
The doctor's words echo through my mind. The rest is up to him. I know that he wants to wake up. But can he? Can he wake up? I hope so. I at least want to say goodbye. I want to give him a kiss. I need him to be happy and if dying makes him happy,then okay. He needs to know how much I love him. we
"Tobias, I love you so much" I say as I trace circles on the back of his hand. I really hope he can hear me.
The door opens and Christina walks in. "Hey Chris" I say as she walks over to me. Her hand rests on my shoulder. "I'm sorry". She says. "You have no reason to be sorry" I reply. He saved me. "I would've died without him" I say as I stare into his eyelids,just waiting for them to open and reveal his deep blue eyes. But it doesn't happen. I look back at Christina and see her go holding out some food for me. I shake my head and look back at Tobias. "Tris,you have to eat.". "no I don't. Not now." I reply. I want to eat with him. She's right. I just wish she wasn't. "Tris." She says and I grab the food.
I have to go to work tomorrow, but I want to stay with him. I made sure to have everything I need here,so I can always be here. Christina and I eat and then she leaves me alone with him. His hand is are rough,but gentle. His wedding ring still sits on his finger. I still remember our vows. My eyes close as i remember the day and smile. I fall asleep, thinking of that wonderful day.
When I wake up,I see that I need to hurry up and get to work. I throw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt and head out. Not before giving him a kiss on the forehead. I run to the parlor,but luckily, nobody usually comes in the morning. That's why I like morning shifts.
By the time my shift is over,I've only don't one,simple,tattoo. It was a Dauntless symbol on their lower back. Honestly,I could have done better. As soon as my shift ends,I bolt to Tobias. What if he woke up and I wasn't there? I rush to his door and open it. He lies in the bed with his eyes closed peacefully. I breathe a sigh of relief as the doctor comes in. He has a grim expression on his face. "What?" I ask. "He has no improvement and barely any brain activity" My blood runs. cold. "No" I say and shake my head. "We will have to take him off life support soon." He says. "No. You can't. You can't do this to him... To me." "I'm sorry Mrs.Eaton." "I'll do anything. Please." He shakes his head and walks out of the room. Tears flood my eyes. "Please Tobias. If you can hear me,please do something. They can't unplug you.". My tears drip off my chin,onto his hand. "Please." I whisper.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now