Tobias' P.O.V.

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I look at the security camera and see a fire.  It's a three doors down from Tris.  No.  Nononononono.  I jump up and run out of the room.  I get to the apartment and the fires already there.    I run to our bedroom and see Tris.  Her eyes are filled with fear.  There is a wall of fire separating us.  I can't let her die.  Not again. 
       I jump through and grab her.  We push forward and I wince.  The fire bites at my legs.  My legs give out and I fall to the ground.  "Go Tris!" I call out to her.  "I'm not leaving you." She says and grabs my arms.  She tries to drag me,but she isn't strong enough.  My vision fades.  I can't leave her.  Not alone.  Not alone with our baby.  U have to survive.
      As much as I fight it,my eyes close and I trapped.  Trapped in a mental prison.  I can't move or see.  I'm gone.  I can't be gone.  I need to stay alive.  She's my world.  I can't leave her like I when I thought she was gone.  I can't put her there.  No.  I live her.  I need her.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now