Tobias' P.O.V.

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Today is Tris' funeral. We all gather in the pit to say our goodbyes. Caleb gets here and his face is soaked with tears. His whole family is gone. Uriah gets up and stands on top of a table. "Can I get all of your attention?" He calls out and everyone looks at him. "If I have had been able to defend myself,Eric never would've gotten mad at Tris. She saved me from a horrible beating from Eric. She saved Four from being shot. She was the best friend I ever had. I'm sorry" he says and climbs down. My heart breaks. I need her.
Suddenly I can't take it anymore. I run out and towards the chasm. Someone chasing me but I don't care.
I stand by the edge of the chasm. "Stop" the person calls out. It's Zeke. "Why?' I ask. "We already lost her. We can't lose you too." His eyes well up with tears. "It doesn't matter. She's gone. What do I do that is so important?" I ask slowly. "You are my friend. You cover for me when I'm late. You train the initiates. You scare initiates. You make us laugh. Four,you are important. We all need you" he says. No they don't. "You have Uriah and Christina. Your not always late. Lauren trains the initiates. She can scare initiates. Uriah makes you laugh. I'm replaceable." I say and close my eyes. I prepare to jump off.
I feel six hands claw at my back. I turn around and see Uriah,Zeke,and Christina. They pull me back. "What are you doing?!" Asks Uriah,even though he already knows. "I can't do this." I say. "How do think we'd feel if we lost you too?" Christina asks. I look down. "It's called the domino effect." She says. "I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want to stop hurting." I say. I sound so selfish. "Four,please." Begs Zeke. I get up and run to my apartment.
Her ring sits on my nightstand, next to the bed. I pick it up and play with it. Uriah comes in. "Leave" I say immediatly. "No. Someone is staying with you. We can't trust you anymore." He says. I want them to trust me,but I know they can't. I understand. "I know" I say and look down at the ring in my hand. "I just miss her" I say. He sits next to me and puts a hand on my back. "She loved you more than anything in the world. I've never seen anyone so positive, brave,smart,kind. We're all going to miss her. Your not alone." He says. I start to break down. My elbows rest on my knees and cradle my head.
She's gone. I don't want to believe it. "Think of how Christina feels. She lost Marlene,Lynn,Will,Tris, and we don't know where the hell Shauna went. Soon,she is going to make us go shopping with her." We shudder and laugh. "Thanks" I say and he smiles. He pats my back and I lie down. He walks to the living room and sits down.
My head is throbbing. I fall asleep and hope shes with her parents. All of the sudden,I see them. Her parents. Why are her parents here? I look at them, confused. "She's alive. She in the the compound." They say and disappear. No way. I jump up and run out of the room. Uriah jumps up. "Dude. What're you doing?!" He asks. "I'll explain later." I say and runout the door. He follows and probably thinks I'm crazy.
No. That was her. All the scars we're the same. Everything was the same. It was just a nightmare. Shes gone. I turn around and walk back to my room. Uriah looks confused,but I don't care. I don't know what to do. What do I believe? A dream or my own eyes? My eyes close,but I can't sleep. All I can think about is what if she's alive. She can't be. I need to push these thoughts.out of my head. I'm just grieving. I walk out and find Uriah on the couch. It's almost 4 am. "Can we go zip lining?" I ask. "I thought you were afraid of heights?" He says and I nod. "Okay. Let's go get Zeke and Christina." He says. I was never brave enough to do it. Now i feel like I owe it to her to do it. I throw on a hoodie and We walk into Uriah and Zekes apartment and he's asleep. Uriah walks up to him and slaps him,hard. "What the hell do you want?" He asks. "Two words. Zip. Lining." He nods and gets up. I smile. "Let's ask Christina." He says and we walk to her apartment. She angrily answers the door. "What?" She growls. "Zip lining?" I ask and she nods. We run up the stairs of the Hancock building. When we reach the top,I look down. We are so high up.
"Four,how do you want to be strapped in?" He asks. "However she was." I say firmly a. He puts me head first,on my stomach. My heart starts to race. "One.......Two........Three" Zeke says and he pushes me.
I understand why she liked this. You feel like your flying. When I reach the end,I unhook myself and fall to the ground. Then everyone else follows. "Did you like it?" Asks Uriah. I nod. "Thanks" I say as we walk back inside. They smile weakly at me. Like I'm a kicked puppy. Tris never looked at me like I was a kicked puppy. I love her and she needs to know that. I close my eyes and I can see her. Her little body and blue gray eyes. I open my eyes and we are outside of the apartment. Seeing her brings a smile to my face. She was my world. She is my world.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now