Tobias' P.O.V.

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It's my fault.  It's my fault Tris got shot.  How could I let this happen?  I should've gotten my gun our faster.  I could've prevented Zeke from losing his hand.  All of this,I could've prevented it. 
       I hold her hand as she falls asleep.  Her body starts to shake violently.  This causes her hospital bed to creak and shake.  I grab her good shoulder and try to shake her awake before she starts to scream and wake everyone else up.  Her eyes open and look into mine.  "It's okay.  I'm right here.  You're safe." I say.  The heart monitor is beeping like crazy.  Uriah picks up his head and sees it going crazy.  I try everything to calm her down or wake her up,but it doesn't work.  PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  She finally wakes up with beads of sweat covering her face.  "Sorry." She says "You have nothing to be sorry for." Uriah says and tries to fall back asleep.
        "Why is it always us?" She asks and looks at the wall. "What do you mean?" "Everything bad happens to us.  Jeannine,Peter, David, Eric, Will, the fire, everything." She says and I think.  "The world is not a wish granting factory." I say and she smiles and scoots over on the bed.  She pats the bed to signal for me to get in.  I could see the pain in her eyes when she moves.  I sit down next to her.  My arms snake around her waist.  "I love you" I say and I get no response.  Her eyes are closed,so I assume she is asleep.  I fall asleep to the steady beep of the monitor. 
          I wake up and look at Tris.  Her eyes are fixed on mine.  I look at the clock.  It's 6:27 am.  Nobody is up yet.  She moves to sit up,but is in too much pain.  "Do you need anything?" I ask and she shakes her head.  I smirk at her and give her a little peck.  "Can you do me a favor?" She asks.  I nod.  "Can you bring everyone some cake?" She says and smiles.  I nod and get up.  She is so selfless.  She's what I long to be.
           I run to the compound and grab the biggest cake they had.  I almost drop it twice on the way back,but I end up bringing it back safely.  By the time in back, everyone is awake.  I set down the cake and everyone's eyes widen at the sight of it.  "Dig in." Tris says and I move it towards the three of them. "At least it wasn't my cake eating hand." Zeke says with cake all over his face.  We all laugh at the mess he's making.  The doctor comes in with two clipboards.  "Sign these and your out of here." He says.  Tris tries to sign,but can't move her arm without horrible pain.  She ends up signing with her left hand.
     When she tries to get up,she falls over in pain.  This causes even more pain to engulf her.  "Do you want to stay longer?" I ask and she quickly shakes her head.  That's my first jumper.  I help walk her out.  We all walk out together.  How are we getting home?  Everyone heads to the trains.  Tris has an expression that says "are you kidding me?" I walk with her.  "You wanna walk instead?" I ask.  "I can do it." She says and I nod.  "Okay." We run by the train and I grab on.  The train is nearing the she and Tris still isn't on.  I grab her arm and swing her in just in time.  We all breathe a sigh of relief.  Then I realize,we have to jump off too.  Great.  That's gonna go well. 
       We approach the compound and look outside.  It's time to jump.  I quickly pick up Tris and jump before she can object.  We land perfectly and i set her down.  "Thanks" she says and I nod.  We walk to our apartments where Tris takes more pain meds. 
       She lies next to me in the bed and falls asleep.  I'm so lucky to have her in my life.  She is like my air.  I can't live without her.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now