Tris' P.O.V.

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Fast forward to first altrasound...

Today is the day we get to see our baby for the first time.  I wake up and look at Tobias.  Our appointment is in two hours.  I grab his shoulders and shake him awake.  He awakens quickly and smiles after seeing my smiling face.  We told our friends last week.  I'm so excited.  My bump is now a little but visible.  I just look fat to people who don't know I'm pregnant. 
      I run to the bathroom to vomit and then,I start to get ready.  I've only ever been this excited on my wedding day.  Tobias walks in and I'm smiling a huge smile.  He looks at me and laughs.  I leave the bathroom,so he can get ready. 
         I wait on the couch, watching TV until he comes out of the bathroom.  We have time to stop and get a muffin on the way there.  We walk into the clinic and check in.  "Tris Eaton?" I hear a woman call out.  I follow the voice into the room,where I sit on a cot with bunch of machines next to me.  Tobias sits on one side of me and holds my hand. 
       "This will be very cold." The midwife warns.  She puts it on my stomach and it feels like ice.  Suddenly, the TV shows a little baby and a speaker plays the heartbeat.  "Would you like to know the sex?" She asks and I look at Tobias.  He nods,so I nod.  She shifts the machine across my stomach.  "It's a boy!" She says and I gasp.  Tears spill from my eyes.  I'm going to have a son.  Tobias is smiling the biggest I've ever seen him. 
         The lady prints off pictures and hands them to us as we leave.  He is so precious.  We just told Caleb yesterday.  We have 10 pictures.  We are keeping one of them.  And they rest,we can give to other people.  We walk into the dining hall for lunch and Christina bombards us with questions.  "Is it a boy or girl?  What will you name it?". We finally get her to sit down.  I pull out a piece of paper and a pen.  "Write your name under what you think it's going to be." I say and they write their names.  Zeke and Uriah say girl and Christina says boy.  "Christina is right." Tobias blurts out.   She smiles with delight.  "What will you name him?" She asks.  I look at Tobias and our eyes meet.  "Will." I say and she looks like she's about to cry.  Uriah and Zeke look down because they don't even know who will is or why Christina is crying."We need to go shopping." Christina says and drags me to the shops. 
          "What's the color theme?" She asks.  I don't know what that is.  "Black" I say hesitantly.  I pull her out a picture of him and give it to her.  She smiles. We get a crib,changing table,and some clothes before heading to the apartment.  We bring all the stuff to the spare bedroom and start to put the crib together.
         "Let us do it." Zeke says and walks in with Tobias and Uriah.  "We're quite capable of doing it on our own,thank you" I say and Tobias laughs.  They walk out and I hear them laughing in the other room.   I smile to myself and continue to put the crib and changing table.  It only ends up taking a few hours. 
       "Bye" I say as they all walk out.   Tobias and I lay down and I'm out like a light.  My hands rest on my stomach as if to protect him.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now