Uriah's P.O.V.

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My eyes open and I find myself on the ground outside of the training room.  I look up and see that Zeke is unconscious.  The door opens and I see Christina.  "What happened?" I ask and try to walk, but my knees hurt.  "Yeah.  Act like you don't know what you did.  We're through." She says.  I don't understand.  What happened?.  "Chris please.  What happened?" I ask again.  "Watch the security footage bitch." She says and walks away hastily. 

I walk over to see Zeke.  I kneel by his head.  "Zeke, get up.  We need to go to the control room." I say and he gets up.  "Why?" He asks.  "You'll see." I say and he takes me there.  Zeke plays the tape and sees what we did.  We look at each other.  "What did we do?" I ask in shock and he shrugs.  "They're probably at the infirm.  Let's go." I say and we run there.  We burst through the doors and see that they aren't here.  We ask the receptionist and she says that they left.  Great.  I lost Tris, Four, and Chris. 

We head to their apartment and knock on the door.  "Please open the door.  Please." Zeke begs.  No response.  After ten minutes, we head back to the apartment.  I sit on my bed and cry myself to sleep.  How could I do this to them.  They're my best friends.

I wake up and find Zeke Aon the couch with his head in his hands.  "How could we do that to them?" He asks.  "Let's see if we can find them at breakfast." I say and we walk out.  We don't even bother to change.  I go through the line and see her.  "Tris!" I yell and she walks back to the table.  I know she heard me.  That's why she walked back.  Probably to tell Four. I go up behind her.

"Tris..." we say weakly.  "Leave me alone." She replies and starts to cry.  "I'm sorry..." Zeke starts and is cut off by her walking away.  "Please I'm sorry." I say and she turns around quickly.  "Don't come near me again.  I thought you were my friend." She says through tears.  Tris runs out and Four follows.  I look to Zeke and he looks at me.  We go to the leader, Miles.  He said he'd ask her if she'd talk to us through bars.  Guards led us to a cell and locked us in.  Tris comes walking in and we jump up.

"Tris please.  You have to understand, we didn't do it." Zeke says. "There is footage that says otherwise." Tris says and she has a point.  "Four?" Zeke pleads, but he turns the other way. "We're friends." I says.  "We were friends until you beat him and tried to kidnap me." She says.  I just want her to believe us.  Her blue gray eyes are filling with tears.  She mbles something under her breath.  "What?" I ask softly. "I said, this is like Al all over again.  He tried to kill me too." She barks.  I didn't try to kill her.  She doesn't understand.  She's one of my best friends.  "Tris... Please." Zeke begs.  She looks into my eyes.

"Open the cell" I tell the guard and he looks confused.  He still does it.  We try to walk over to Tris, but Tobias gives us the death glare.  "I believe you.  I can see it in your eyes." She says and gives us both a hug.  As we walk out, I see the look in her eyes.  She's scared of us.  Everyone goes their separate ways.  We walk into the apartment and fall right asleep thinking of how I could do that to her.

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