Tris' P.O.V.

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I wake up to a hand under my armpit, dragging me away from the bed.  The other hand was covering my mouth.  I look up and see the body of a friend.  Uriah.  His eyes are glazed as he drags me towards the balcony.  I try to knock over a picture and it shatters.  I don't think it woke Tobias though.  He abruptly picks me up and holds me over the edge.  "If you make another sound, I will kill him.  Understand?" I nod and look into his eyes.  "Please Uriah.  It's me Tris.  Your friend.  Please." I plead and he squeezes me tighter.  He pulls me back onto the balcony and pins me to the wall.  I sit like this for what feels like a day, but is probably an hour. 

Suddenly,he picks me up and drags me to the edge.  He holds me there and I let out a whimper.  I open my eyes and see him.  Tobias is standing with fear in his eyes.  "Tris!" He shouts and Uriah let's go.  As I fall to the ground, I see memories.  I see our wedding.  Me seeing Caleb again.  My mom.  They all flood back to be as my body falls to the ground with a thud.  It all goes black.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now