Tobias' P.O.V.

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We head back to the apartment after training.  I'm proud of how Tris handled them.  We flop on to the bed and she sighs.  "You okay?" I ask and she nods.  "Yeah,I'm fine." She says.  She isn't fine.  I scooch my way to her.    "What's wrong?" I ask and put my hand on her leg.  "Shauna has been gone lately and I don't know where she is." She replies.  That was serious.    "I don't think anyone does" I say honestly.  Her hand reaches for mine and I grab it.  Our fingers intertwine and my eyes close.  
         My eyes open and I see Tris on the metal table.  His belt whipping her.  I hear her squeels and her body jumping.  I try to run,but I'm chained to the wall.  I plead with him to stop.  He won't listen.  I can't stand to hear her cry.  I sink to my knees and cry.  Cry for her.  For me.  I will never let that happen again.
         My body jerks upright and tears fall down my face.  Tris immediately comes up with me.  "Shhhh. It's okay.  I'm right here" she says and my breathing steadies.  Tears fall down my cheeks and I bite hard on to my lip.  "It's okay" she says and pats my leg.  "I get them too" she says.  She doesn't deserve this.  I don't deserve her.  We embrace each other and my tears soak her shirt.  "I love you" I whisper in her ear.  "I love you too" she says and we pull apart and rest our foreheads against each other's.  Our lips pull together and I grab the back of her head and deepen the kiss.  I never want to let go of her.  She pulls the Hem of my shirt and I take it off.  Her hands rest in my chest we kiss.  She takes her shirt off too.  "You sure?" I say and she nods. 

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now