Tris' P.O.V.

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I wake up and hear Christina in the bathroom.  I swing my legs off the bed and make some pancakes in the kitchen.  She comes walking out.  "We are walking down the aisle in 5 hours.   We have an hour for make up.  An hour for hair.  An hour for nails.  An hour to get the dress perfect. And an hour to put on finishing touches." She says quickly.  We sit down and eat.  Tears start to fall down my cheeks.  They land on the plate below me.  "What's wrong?" She asks and pulls me in close.  "I just wish my parents could walk me down the aisle instead of Caleb." I smile a bit.  "It's okay." She replies and rubs my back.  After eating,she ushers me into the bathroom for hair.  She yanks my hair and I wince.  "Geez." I say.  In about 1 hour and 15 minutes my hair is done.  Now it's time for the nails.
            We sit in n front of the TV and she paints all nails except me ring finger black.  My ring finger will be gray.  We watch a little TV as they dry.  Then,we go and do my makeup.  She made it a big deal to put on water proof makeup.  The makeup takes forever. "Stop it." I say and swat her hand away from my eyebrows.  "It must be done." She says and smiles.  Finally,it's done and I walk to the living room.  Christina wants to iron our dresses,so I wait in the bedroom.  She puts on her dress and make up really fast.  Geez.  She brings me my dress and I step into it.  I pull it up and she yanks the back closed.  She guides me to a mirror and looks at me.  "You look amazing" she says happily. "You too." I say quietly.  "Thank you Chris." I say and turn around for a hug.  All of the sudden there is a knock on the door.  Christina runs to get it.  I hear the door open and she let's whoever it is in.  "It's Caleb." She yells and I come walking out.  His eyes open wide.  "Beatrice." He says.  "It's actually just Tris." I say and wink.  "You look amazing." He mumbles.  "Tell it to Christina." I say and nod towards her.  She does a little wave.  "I came in to tell you that you have ten minutes." He says and starts to walk out.  I run up behind him.  "Okay." I say.  "Watch the dress." Christina says.  I shake my head.  Chris and I wait just out of view with Caleb.  "That's a lot of people." Caleb says. "Do you know them all?" He asks.  "No.  Christina invited everyone." I say and we laugh.  "Thank you." I say to Caleb.  "For what?" He asks.  "Being here." He smiles. 
              It's time for us to go now.  Caleb and I link arms and Chris walks in front of us.  She walks all the way to the alter,while Caleb and I stop.  Tobias walks towards me and grabs my arms.  They exchange snyde looks and I elbow them both in the side.  Tobias walks me to the alter and Caleb sits down.  Today marks the rest of my life.  After today I will be known as Tris Eaton.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now