Tris'. P.O.V.

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Our anniversary is tomorrow and I'm so excited.  What should I do?  I got it.  I'll make him some dauntless cake.  He'll love that.  First I have to get the ingredients.  I grab my wallet and run to the store.  He's at work,so he won't catch me.  Shoot,he works in the control room.  Let's just hope he wasn't looking.  After getting app the ingredients I'll ask Christina if I could make then at her house.  I knock on the door and she answers.  "Can I borrow your kitchen?" I ask.  That just sounds weird.  "Strange request,but sure." She says and smiles.   I walk in with 3 bags of ingredients.  "What is all that for?" She asks.  "Our anniversary is tomorrow and cake isn't safe at our apartment." I say and we both start to laugh.  "Need help?" Chris asks.  I nod eagerly.  After about an hour the four cakes are in the oven. I plan to leave one for Christina. 
We walk to the couch and sit down.  "I need to take you shopping for a new outfit." She says and my eyes widen.  Christina grabs my hand and drags me.  "We need to be back in two hours though,to get the cakes out of the oven." She nods.  "Fine." At the store there is nothing that I like.  Chris keeps forcing clothes on me.  After an hour and a half I start to get even more bored.  "Come on.  Let's just go." I plead.  She shakes her head.  "Not until you find something." She says and I groan at the thought.  Christina picks up a flowy black dress.  It goes down to my knees and is strapless.  "Go.  Try it on." She says.  I trudge my feet to the dressing room.  It looked and felt fine.  I just want to leave.  We walk to the counter and I buy it.
                 By the time we get to her apartment the cakes are done.  I pull them out and leave them to cool on her counter.  Tobias will be getting home I ten minutes.  "Can I come get them tomorrow morning?"I ask.  "I may not be up,but you have a key.  So sure." She says and u give her a big hug.  I walk to our apartment and find Tobias kneeling on the ground by the bed.  "What are you doing?" I ask and his head jerks up.  "I dropped my wallet," he says and holds it up.  I don't care if he's lying.  It doesn't matter.  "How was work?" I ask.  "Average.  Nothing too entertaining." He says and we laugh.  I flop on to the bed and say...  "Why must life be so boring?" I sound exasperated.  He smiles and flops next to me.  "You aren't boring." He replies.  I instantly feel heat rush into my cheeks.  My eyes start to droop.  "Goodnight Tobias." I say and yawn.  "Goodnight Tris." He says.  Our heartbeats steady and sleep slowly pulls us in.

  Our heartbeats steady and sleep slowly pulls us in

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This is her new dress.

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