Tobias' P.O.V.

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Tris and I walk home and notice the door is unlocked.  No.  "I'll go in first" I say and walk right in.  Nobody's there.  "I probably just forgot to lock the door." I say and she shakes her head.  "I'm gonna get in the shower" I say and walk into our bedroom.  When I walk through the door,metal hits my head and I start to fall.  Eric.  He picks me up and holds me up with a gun to my head.  Tris comes running in.  He tells her to come with him.  When I tell her not to he shoves the gun into my head.  She agrees and he stabs me with some syrum.  My body goes limp as I fall.  He grabs her and walks her out.  I can't move.  All I can do is look out the door.  I can only see the front door and he barks at her to sit down. I start to cry.  I told her I wouldn't let it happen again.  I lied.  What have I done?
          My eyes start to close.  I try to fight it,but I can't.  Sleep drags me against my will.  Just like what Eric did to her.  Why is she so selfless?  She sacrificed herself for me.  Now I might not see her again. 
          I wake up and try to move.  I can barely shift my head.  The clock reads 4:47am.  When we got back last night it was 3:30pm.  She's been gone for almost twelve hours.  I strain to get up.  My whole body is sore from the hard floor.  I stretch and run to the control room to look for footage. 
       I see her go with him without a struggle.  Tears trace her scars and hit her shirt.  He takes her to the chasm.  Her body dangles over the edge and she cries silently.  That was just a few hours ago.  I run to the chasm.  There is nothing.  Everything is normal.  I run around the pit.  Nothing has changed. 
        I close my eyes and think.  Where would he take her?  I go to our place in the chasm to think.  The waves hit my shoes and make my feet drenched.    We had our first kiss here.  I love her more than anything in the world.  I need to find her.  If I hadn't have put my gun down,he wouldn't have been able to convince her.  What have I done?  The pit will be roaming with people soon. Maybe they can help.
       I can't believe this happened again.  How could I let this happen? I need to tell the others.  What will they think?  I let this happen again.  I have to tell them.
      I quickly run to the cafeteria because I know they'll be there by now.  "Guys,Eric took Tris" I say and Christina starts to choke on some pancakes.  Uriah Pat's her back and it comes out.  "How could you let that happen again?" Christina asks.  I shake my head.  "He held me at gunpoint and Tris,being selfless,let him take her.  He injected me and I was paralyzed." I say and she glares at me.  "Let's go." Says Uriah.  "Where?" Asks Zeke.  He shrugs.  "Somewhere" he replies.  We all split up and search the pit.  I don't find anything so I go find Zeke and Uriah.  Neither of them has found anything.  We look for Christina and find her kneeling on the ground.  She picks up her hand and holds up Tris'wedding ring.  I get the shivers as I look.  We follow the way that the ring was found.
       After searching the whole pit,the ring was the only thing we found. 

Did she throw the ring as a clue?

Did he throw it here?

Did it just fall off?

These are questions that may never have answers to.  No.  I can't believe that.  She'll be okay.  What is Eric doing to her?   I will kill him. 

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