Tris' P.O.V.

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They all look at Christina and she looks around.  Uriah looks at me and I give a weak smile.  Their eyes follow and they meet mine.  "What?" Asks Uriah.  "No.  I have a valid reason." She says and looks at him. "I can tell that it wasn't you.  Your eyes were glazed over and you threatened Four.  We both know that even you are smart enough not to threaten him" I say and our eyes shift to Tobias.  Uriah's eyes meet mine and he starts to cry.  "I'm so sorry." He says.  "It's all my fault.  You're gonna die and it's my fault." He cries.  Tears slip from my eyes.  I look at each other else and they stare at me.  "I love you guys" I say and we all start to cry more.  Uriah turns to leave.  "You too." I say and he turns around. 

"When can I leave?" I ask.  "The doctor said you didn't have much time left." Tobias says.  "I do.  I promise.  They just need to let me leave." I say.  They shake their head.  "Bring him in here." I command and Caleb walks past Uriah and elbows his gut.  "Come here." I say to Uriah and he nervously inches forward, keeping an eye on Tobias.  He sits next to me.  "I'll be fine.  You aren't going to die and I'm not either." I say.  He doesn't believe me.  The doctor comes walking in and a look of shock crosses his face.  "Let me leave." I say and he doesn't respond.  "I've been here before.  Just give me one that says that I'm leaving against your orders." And with that,he hands it to me.  I try to move,but I can't.  My body won't move.  "Take these machines out of me." I command and he sends a nurse in.  She unhooks me and u still can't move.  "Why can't I move?" I ask and they all look at me with pity in their eyes.  "I know why.  The doctor said that your head disconnected from your spine.  That caused paralyzation.  Hopefully, it will fuse together within a week and you can move again." Caleb says.  "Well someone needs to get me a wheelchair then." I say and smile.  Tobias brings me a wheelchair and helps lift me into it.  "Thanks" I say and he wheels me out.  "Take me to Miles." I say and he nods in agreement. 

Tobias walks me all the way to dauntless and to Miles.  "Uriah will live." I say and he smiles.  "If you say so." He replies and Tobias wheels me away.  That was easy.  "Cake?" I ask and he nods.  "What's wrong?" I ask and he stops.  "I thought I lost you for good.  I just..." He can't continue.  I shake my head.  "I'm here.  I'm okay." I say.  What would happen if Uriah or Zeke came out like that again?  I choose not to think about this now.  Tobias' wheels me to the cafeteria and grabs me some cake.  We sit at our usual table.  I'm kind of hoping that they show up.

For a moment, I forget that I can't eat it myself.  "Four?" I ask and look at him.  His face is already covered in the chocolate.  "Oh yeah." He says and wipes his fingers.  Tobias picks up the fork and feeds me.  Just then, Zeke, Christina, and Uriah come walking in.  My body flinches every time I see either of them and I think they notice that.  They all sit down and look at me expectantly.  "Tris, can you explain what I did?" Asks Uriah nervously.  "You came in and dragged me out of bed.  You threatened to kill Four and dangled me over the edge.  Then, you let go." I say and look down.  My eyes close and a tear falls on to my cake.  "I'm so sorry." He says and gets up.  Uriah walks out the door and I long to follow him,but I cant.   "Can someone push me?" I ask and turn back to everyone at the table.  Zeke nods and tries, but it's too hard with only one hand.  "Chris?" He asks and she laughs.  "I got it." She says and wheels me out the door. 

"He's probably at his apartment." I say and she nods.  We get to the door and Christina opens it.  He must be here because the door is unlocked.  She wheels me towards the bedrooms and one of the doors are closed.  "Uriah?" I ask and I hear crying.  I nod my head towards the door so Christina will open it.  She does and wheels me towards the bed.  "Thanks" I say and she walks out, closing the door behind her.  Uriah lays under a pile of blankets and pillows. "What's wrong?" I ask.  "How could I do this?" He says and looks up,at me.  "You didn't do this." I say, putting an emphasis on 'you'.  "Tris please.  I did.  I can't do this.  Christina and Four hate me.  Im not sure about Zeke.  I'm sure you probably do, deep down." He says and a tear slips down my cheek.  "I don't hate you.  You're still my best friend.  I can look into your eyes and I know that it wasn't you.  I just want to know how someone is controlling you." I say and my voice cracks.  Out eyes meet and his are bloodshot from crying.  He gets up and hugs me.  As much as I want to hug him back, I can't.  "Let's go back." I say and give a weak smile.  He nods and pushes me back to the cafeteria.  He didn't do it on purpose.  I just know it.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now