Tris' P.O.V.

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I jump down the hole.  Tobias stops talking and walks over to me.  He looks at me strangely.  I pick up my head and he sees me.  His face turns white and I wave slightly.  "Tr..Tris?" He asks. I nod and roll towards him.  "But you're dead." He stutters.  I shake my head.  I roll off and give him a hug.  All the initiates are watching us.  Tears fall off his cheeks and cover my shirt.  "I love you Tobias." I whisper in his ear.  He pulls his head back and kisses me.  Our eyes meet.  "It's me." I say and he smiles.  We turn around and see the iniates. "What's going on?" He asks.  I don't know his name.  "My wife has been missing for almost a year and her fake body was found in the chasm." He looks at me and we laugh.  "Follow me." I yell and they listen.
          We show them around the pit.  And then the chasm.  "This is the chasm.  It shows us that there's a fine line between bravery and idiocy." I see and I see Zeke and Uriah with the Dauntless borns.  Their eyes widen and they look at each other.  I run up to them.  "Tris?" I nod.  "In the flesh." I say and they both give me a hug.  "I'll explain at lunch.  Don't tell Chris" I say and they nod.  I run back.  "Wait" says Tobias.  He pulls out a necklace with my ring on it.  "You found it." I say and put it on.  We continue the tour until lunch.  Tobias walks in with Zeke and Uriah.  They sit down for a while and I come running in.  Christina jumps up and down.  She runs up to me.  "I thought you were gone" she says and I shake my head.  The whole dining hall looks at us.  They see me and cheer.  I sit down at the table.  "Explanation.  Now" Uriah says.  "Eric took me hostage and hid me in a weird secret room.  He pretty much abused and raped me for a year.  He used a fake body so nobody would look for me.  I stabbed him with a sheet of metal that I used as a knife." I say and take a deep breath.  Tobias'hand turns to a fist.  "I'll take you there after dinner." I say.  None of them say a word.  "Hello?" I say and wave my hand in front of each of their faces.  "Are you guys okay?" I ask.  "Where's Eric?" Asks Uriah.  "I locked him,where he locked me." I say.  "Guys Chill" I say and all their fists release except Tobias'.  "Why are you so mad?" I ask.  "Our friend has been kidnapped,raped,and had her death faked.  Why do you think?" Christina says and I smile.  I rest my hand over Tobias' fist and it releases.  "Should probably get going." I say and stand up.  Tobias follows me.  "Transfers follow us" he yells and they follow.  We walk them to the top of the roof.  "Today,we will learn how to shoot a gun." I say.  "Would you like to demonstrate Four?" I ask.  It feels so weird to call him Four.  I can tell that all of them are looking at my scars.  He nods.  The bullet hits the center of the target.  "Begin" I say and they all start to shoot.  By the end, everyone has hit the target at least twice. 
      Now it's time for dinner.  We walk to the dining hall.  I grab a salad and sit down.  The gang sits too.  All of the sudden someone is talking over the loudspeaker.  "I'm pleased to announce that Tris Eaton has been found." Everyone looks at me.  As if on command,a huge cake is brought out.  Tobias gasps and looks at me.  Someone cuts the cake and dishes it out.  Tobias gets 3 pieces and I get one piece.  We all smile and laugh the whole time. 

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