Tris' P.O.V.

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No.  They can't unplug me yet.  I need to move.  To show a sign.  Everyone is saying Goodbye.  I can't die yet.  Tobias needs me.  The last thing I hear is Tobias begging me to move.  I try to move my eyes,but it doesn't work.  The doctor starts to count.  I need them to open.  Now.  My eyes flutter open and my eyes burn from the light.  I see all my friends crying.  They saw me.  They know I'm awake.  I try to talk,but my mouth is so dry.  A nurse helps me get some water.  I try to move but it hurts to much.  "hi guys" I say weakly and try to smile.  They smile back and Uriah waves.  "I'm sorry" Tobias says.  He did nothing wrong.  It wasn't his fault.  "You did nothing wrong." I say and smile.  My eyes flutter shut from exhaustion.  I've been trapped in a mental prison for days.  Thank God.  I needed to see them.   I love them.  I fall asleep and dream.  I dream of my parents.  It wasn't a nightmare.  A happy dream.  I got to talk to them and hug them.  I wake up and hear Tobias.  Apparently I have to get my stitches out.  The doctor explains and I agree.  Tobias walks out as they put an oxygen mask over my face.
                 I wake up and he is sitting next to me.  "Can I have a mirror?" I ask and he rolls a large one in front of the bed.  "I'm hideous." I say and sob.  My head is shaved and scarred.  My whole body is covered in jagged scars.   "No you aren't.  You are beautiful and I love you with all of my heart." He says and I smile.  I know I'm not.  Johanna has one scar down her face.  My entire face is covered in scars.  I'm a freakshow.  Tobias pulls my face into his chest and I cry.  I fall asleep to his heartbeat.  His familiar scent makes me feel safe and protected.  I love him more than he knows.
                I wake up several hours later and I look at Tobias.  He's sleeping in the chair next to me.  A doctor comes in and walks to the foot if my bed.  "When can I leave?" I ask right away.  "Slow your roll.  You can leave tomorrow." He says.  Finally,I can leave.  "We have given you some painkillers to take with you." He says and I smile.  "Thanks" I say and he nods.  As the door closes,Tobias wakes up.  "I get to leave tomorrow." I say,giddy with excitement.  He laughs.  He's glad to see me so happy.  A few minutes later,the gang walks in.  They haven't seen me since I got my stitches out.  They walk in and gasp.   I close my eyes and take a deep breath.  "Hi" I say and look down.  "I know.  It's bad." I say.  I can tell that they regret it.  "No dip." Uriah says and I laugh.  He always knows how to make me laugh.  "I get to leave tomorrow." I say.  "Finally I have someone to shop with" Christina says happily.  They all sit down and a nurse comes in and distributes my many pain killers.  "Geez." Zeke says.  "You try being held captive and beaten with a belt for hours and hours." I say.  They looked shocked.  I guess they didn't expect me to joke about it.  Once they catch the drift,they laugh.  "There are a lot of cameras waiting for you outside." Chris says.  "Oh great.  I don't need to be seen by more people." I say and look down.  There is a knock on the door.  "Come in." I say.  It's Caleb.  He looks at me and starts to cry.  He sits on the edge of the bed.  "I'm okay." I say.  When I try to reach for him,my IV falls out.  A nurse rushes to put it back in.  Tobias looks at the floor.  He is on the brink of tears.  I reach my hand and put it on the his.  He looks at me and I smile.  Caleb stops crying and looks at me.  I smile a little.  He is still shocked by the scars.  I think thats why Tobias is upset.  He thinks that it's his fault.  "I know it looks hideous." I say,pointing to my face and laughing.  "At least I get to leave tomorrow." I say. "You should have seen all the pills she takes.  Woah." Zeke says and I laugh.  Caleb looks at me like I'm a kicked puppy.  At least puppies have hair.  After a while of visiting, everyone piles out.  I look at Tobias and he has tears in his eyes.  "Whats wrong?" I ask him,tracing circles on his hand.  "I did this to you.  You have a life sentence because of  me" he replies and tears start to stream down his face. 
            I scooch over and wave him over.  He sits next to me.  "You did nothing wrong.  You didn't do anything to me and you never have." I say.  He still looks down.  I pull his chin up.  "Look at me." I say softly.  "You did all that you could.  I'm alive.  I'm fine" I say.  He smiles.  "I know but..." I cut him off with a kiss.  I pull back and smile.  "I love you" he says.  "I love you too" I say.  "I love you three." He says.  "I love you Four" I say And we laugh in unison.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now