Tris' P.O.V.

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The other teams flag is on top of the tree.  I peak around see that Tobias got shot down.  I raise my gun and shoot Zeke in the back.  Tobias laughs as I climb the tree and grab the flag.  We guide the teams back to the train. 
         Tobias and I head to the apartment.  I hope he doesn't remember that i said that I'd go to the infirmary.  "Infirmary" he says and I walk there alone.  The only reason I'm going alone us because Tobias needs to be with the transfers during testing.  I walk in and the only person there is the receptionist. 
       Suddenly,I feel nauseous.  I run to the trash can and throw up.  The receptionist rushes me into a room.  I sit down and wait for a doctor to come in.  I'm just sitting on a cold, metal,table.  Don't mind me.  The door opens and a young doctor comes in and sits down in front of me.  "So,what seems to be the problem?" She asks.  "I've been feeling nauseous and vomiting for a few days.  My husband made me come here." I say and she writes something down on her chart.  "Have you had any back pain?" She asks.  "I've been a little sore,but that's it." I reply and she writes something else down.
       She turns around and picks up a cup.  "Would you mind peeing in this for me?" She asks and I grab it and go to the bathroom.  When I get back,she grabs it and walks out.  Now I'm nervous.  I kind of wish Tobias was here. 
            The nurse comes back in with no expression.  "Congratulations.  You're pregnant." She says and I sigh a breath of relief.  "How far along?" I ask.  "3 weeks." She says.  I close my eyes and think of how Tobias' would react.  Would he be happy?  I think so.  I get up and walk out.  "You should have an altrasound in about 2 months." She says as I leave.  I nod my head and open the door. 
       How should I tell Tobias?  I don't know.   Should I just tell him today? No.  I will surprise him somehow.  I walk into the simulation room.  The last person is just finishing.  I walk in next to Tobias and lean my head on his shoulder.  He wraps his arm around me.  "What did the doctor say?" He asks.  I'm not going to tell him.  Not yet.  "Stomach bug" I say and he nods.  "How are they doing?" I ask.  "Rose,Max,Natalie,James are doing pretty well,but I don't know how good the dauntless borns are." He says.  "We'll find out tonight." I say and smile.
         We head to lunch and sit down.  I grab a burger and some fries.  Zeke looks pissed.  "What are you so pissed about?" Tobias asks Zeke.  "I'm pissed that we lost." He says and laughs.  "Well I bet more dauntless borns will make it through initiation." I say.  "True" he replies.  Christina comes storming towards the table.  "What's up with you?" I ask.  Her eyes glow red with anger.  "I hate people." She says and Uriah pretends to be offended.  I roll my eyes.   I get up and grab everyone some cake.  Tobias got an extra because I know he wants it.  I grab a little piece and eat. After about 15 minutes Tobias and I  head to the apartment.
        I sit on the couch and look down.  I'm going to pretend that it was something worse than a stomach bug,even though it's not worse.  "Tobias." I croak and he comes and sits on the couch with me.  "What?" He asks.  He is genuinely concerned.  "It's not a stomach bug." I say and a tears slides down my cheek.  "What is it?" He says and his eyes start to tear up.  "I'm pregnant." I say and smile.  He grabs me and pulls me in for the tightest hug in my life.  Even tighter than Christina's. 
          "You scared the hell out of me." He says and looks into my eyes.  "That was the plan." I say and we laugh.  He starts to cry.  "How far are you?" He asks.  "3 weeks." I say.  He smiles.  "I love you." He says and I blush.  " I love you too Tobias." I say and we share a long kiss.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now