Tris' P.O.V.

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I don't know how long I've been here for.  He doesn't fail to rape me just about every day.  I can still get out.  Maybe.  I get one meal,every day.  If I start to save up food and eat it all more frequently,I can get stronger and fight back.  I started to collect about a week ago.  I will start eating more soon.
          My thoughts are interrupted when he comes in.  I look up and our eyes meet.  I try to look hopeful,but inside I'm full of fear.  He looks around me.  "Looks like someone is keeping their food." He says, circling me.  He picks it up and throws it out of my reach.  Shit.  "You're dead to everyone anyway" he says and picks at his nails.  "What?" I ask.  "There was a fake you found in the chasm" my blood runs cold.  No one will look for me. It's funny how fast hope can leave your body.  I think he can tell,because I slump down.  "You still have to do it" he says and walks over.  His disgusting hands grab me and i just sit there.  He continues for a.wjile, slightly getting more aggressive. He gets up to leave.  I lie on the ground and cry.  How real does the fake look?  They have given up on me.  Tobias needs to find someone else to make him happy.  I now regret dropping my ring.  The tears sit on the metal floor...
        The door opens and he throws me some food and water.  I grab it hastily.  Then I notice something.  There is a little ring on the bottle. I pull it off and  try to pick the lock.  It's to big.  I'll just rub it on the metal. The metal isn't even making a dent.  I feel defeated.  Like he bested me.  "Tobias.  If your out there,I need you to know that in alive and I'll find a way out." I whisper.  " I promise" with that,my eyes close and I start to sleep.  My parents were there.  Again.  "Dad,you were erudite,what should I do?" I ask quickly.  "Find a place a way to skinny down the plastic. I don't know how though." He says and I nod.  "Thanks" I say.  "I'm sorry" my mom says and starts to cry.  "It's okay.  I'll be okay.  Please just make sure that Caleb is okay." I beg and she nods.  "I love you" I say and we all hug.  I wake up to a knife, cutting my arm.  I wince.  "Good morning baby" he says.  I'm filled with disgust.  "Good morning Eric" I say sarcastically. 
        He does it again.  The floor is cold and I start to freeze.  When he walks out,he throws me a blanket.  I grab it immediately and wrap myself up.  Must be winter now.  I feel as if I cry it will freeze to the ground.  I need to leave.  I need to see then again.  I never even got to say goodbye.  He once said "You die.  I die." Right now I really hope that's not true.  I know he blames himself.  It's not his fault.  It was my choice.  I chose to go with him.  I love him.  He needs to go out and live his life.  Get another girlfriend or wife.  He needs to enjoy his life without me.  I don't think I will be able to get out.  It's taking all my energy not to freeze to death.  I think I will die here,but I need him to know how much he means to me.  "I love you Tobias" I whisper.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now