Tobias' P.O.V.

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I wake up in the middle of the night and hear wind.  I look to my side and see that Tris isn't there.  "Tris?" I whisper and there is no answer. Panic floods my mind.  I jump up and look around the room.  The picture of our wedding is shattered on the floor.  I see the curtains move and the door to the balcony is open.  No.  I hear a whimper.  Tris.

I run to the balcony and see Tris dangling over the edge.  She is held there by Uriah.  His eyes are glazed over."Tris!" I yell running forward.  He let's go.  Tris screams as she falls.  I hear a thud and nothing else.  His eyes return to normal and he looks around cluelessly.  I grab him and pin him to the wall.  Then I realize that Tris is lying there.  Motionless.  I drop him and run out of the compound. 

Her body is on the ground in an odd fashion.  I pick her up and run her to the hospital.  I'm going to kill him.  She forgave him.  What does he do?  They rush her back immediately and the last I see is her body in awkward angles and blood all over her.  We've been through so much.  I can't lose her.  I need to tell someone.  Zeke.  No I can't trust him.  That leaves me with Christina. 

I run to her apartment and urgently knock on the door.  After a minute she opens the door.  "Uriah threw Tris off the balcony.  She's in the hospital.  I needed to tell someone and I can't trust the Pedrads anymore." I say.  "I'm gonna kill him." She says and starts to storm out.  I grab her shoulders.  "Don't.  I don't know what's gotten into them." I say and she calms down.  "Follow me." I say and she does.  We enter the apartment and Uriah is in the corner of the balcony, shaking.  "What's up with you asshole?" Christina says as she starts to choke him.  "I don't know what happened.  How could I do this?" He says and anger fills me.  I grab him by the neck and hold him over the balcony.  "I deserve it." He says and closes his eyes. 

Tris wouldn't want me to do this.  I throw him back onto the balcony.  "Tris wouldn't want me to do that." I say and my head droops.  "What's wrong with me?" He says grabbing his hair.  "Come with me." I say and drag him to the hospital.  They put him in a special room.  "Should we tell Zeke?" Christina asks.  I don't know.  "I got it." I say and get up.  I take my time getting to their apartment.  I open the door and walk into his room.  I shake him awake.  "Dude?" He asks.  "Uriah threw Tris off the balcony.  He's in the hospital and so is she." I say and walk out.  He follows me and we go to the hospital. Christina sits there crying. "How is she?" I ask her urgently.  She just let's out more sobs.  "Zeke, go get Caleb.  He's in apartment 78 in erudite.  Tell him what I told you and bring him here." He nods and runs out.  "Christina,you need to tell me,did a doctor say anything.?" I ask and she nods.  "He said Tris won't be here much longer.  They wouldn't let anyone in yet." She says and I collapse to the floor in heaving sobs.  No.  Not Tris.  She can't go.  I'll kill Uriah.  I clench my fist and let my nails dig into my palm until it draws blood.  Right as I stand up, I see Caleb and Zeke.  "Where is she?" Caleb asks and I shrug.  Tears are rolling down both of our faces.  "She doesn't have long." I say and that makes him sob even more.  "Where is he?" Growls Caleb.  I shake my head. 

I run to the receptionist.  " Can we see Tris Eaton?  Please." I beg and she nods.  She leads us to her room and I come in.  Tris has more than a dozen tubes coming out of her.  She has a neck brace and casts on her arms and legs.  Scratches cover her face.  I run next to her and try to grab her hand, but I can't.  There are too many tubes poking out of it.  A doctor comes walking in.  "She has major brain injuries and internal decapitation.  She won't last long.  You should say your goodbyes." He says and walks out.  I can see that even Zeke wants to hurt Uriah.  We all do.  All of us leave except Caleb.  I try to give everyone alone time to say goodbye.  Then Christina goes in.  Zeke next and it's finally my turn.  I don't want to say goodbye.  I can't do it. 

I pull a chair up next to her.  "I'm so sorry.  I could've saved you.  It's my fault.  I love you.  Forever and always." I say and kiss the top of her head.  Everyone comes back in and we sit and wait.  Wait for I don't know what.  Wait for her eyes to open?  Wait for her monitor to flat line?  Wait for her to die?  I don't know anymore.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now