Tobias' P.O.V

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Today is the wedding.  I wake up and go to Zeke and Uriah's kitchen.  I make some eggs for us all and wait for them to wake up. As much as I I want to see Tris,I cant.  Not yet.  They both walk out and find the eggs waiting for them.  "Dude.  We are supposed to do stuff for you today." Zeke says accusingly.  "Thanks." Uriah says with his mouth full.  I sit down with them.  "You up for a game of Candor or Dauntless?" Asks Zeke.  I nod and so does Uriah.  "Uriah,Candor or Dauntless?" He asks.  "Dauntless." Zeke smirks.  "Who do you like?" Zeke asks and Uriah starts to blush.  "Christina." He says and looks down.  I'm not surprised.   Zeke likes Lauren and Uriah knows almost 0 girls,so.  "Four,Candor or Dauntless?" I think for a minute.  "Candor." I say slowly.  Uriah taps his chin.  "Who do you hate the most out of Zeke, Christina,and i?" I have to think about this.  "Probably Christina because she is always talking about make up and shopping." We all laugh.  "Zeke,Candor or Dauntless?" "Dauntless."   "Run to the pit and propose to the first person you see and then get a divorce because they cheated on you." He nods and walks out.  The first person was Peter.  It was hilarious.   We head back to the apartment.  The wedding is in two hours.  We must've slept in.  Oh well.  All of us put our suits on.  My hands start to get clammy and I start to sweat.  I know that it will be fine,but still.  Christina said that she invited a lot of people.  "Chill dude." Uriah says and pats my shoulder.  I take a deep breath.  We are suppose to walk down the aisle in 4 minutes.  Normally my parents would walk me out,but I'm glad they aren't here.  I start to walk down the aisle. The room is completely filled with people. I reach the end of the aisle and look back.  There she is.  Tris Prior.  Soon to be Tris Eaton.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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