Tobias' P.O.V.

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Tris wakes up crying.  I get up immediatly and hold her.  "Bad dream?" I question.  She shakes her head.  "It was a good one.  Too good to believe." We lie back down and I fall asleep quickly. 
         I wake up to shuffling around the house and I sit up.  Tris is about to head out the door.  "Where are you going?" I ask.  "Looking for Caleb." She says and closes the door.  I run to the closet and throw a shirt on.  She's crazy.  I open the door and yell out to her.  "Tris,he's dead." She continues to walk and I go inside.  Maybe she just wants to visit him,alone.  After an hour or two,she doesn't come back.  I'm getting worried.  No.  The chasm.  The train.  I run out the door and to the chasm.  She isn't there.  Then I bolt up the stairs,to the roof.  There no I'd no train yet.  I wait her for a few minutes.  Finally a train comes.  When I get on I sit and think.  Where would she go?
   Caleb's grave? Erudite?  Abnegation?
Probably his grave.  I hop off the train just in time.  The landing was a bit shaky,but that's cause I'm nervous.  I walk to his grave and she isn't there.  Erudite.  My feet carry me there as fast as they can.  When I reach the lobby I ask, "Is there a Caleb Prior here?" She shakes her head and I run out.  What if she tried to do it again? What is she jumped off the train? No.  She can't do that.  Abnegation.  If she is sad,she goes there.    This time,I'm out if breath so I walk.  I get to the door and knock.  I hear someone come to the door.  Tris opens it and closes it.  I hear the lock click shut.  I keep knocking and knocking,but she doesn't answer.  I try to body slam the door a few times.  Suddenly a man comes to the door.  Caleb.  Tris wouldn't be with him if he wasn't.  "Caleb?" I ask and the man nods.  I look at Tris apologetically.  "I'm sorry." I say.  I'm being honest. "How are you alive?" Caleb gets a smirk on his face.  "Robot." I gets an approving look and nods his head.  "What's up with you guys?" Caleb asks.  He's definitely erudite.   "I wouldn't believe her.  I was arrogant.  Please forgive me." I says.   I hate when she's mad at me.  "You did save my life." She gives a slight smile.  Caleb looks confused.  "I tried to walk off the train after you died." She looks down at the ground.  "Beatrice." He scolds.  "You don't get it!  You don't know what it's like to feel like you killed your mom,dad,and brother." Tears are welling up in my eyes and hers.  "I need to leave.  Maybe you shouldn't have saved me." She says and looks at me.  Caleb grabs her wrist.  I laugh because I know better than to do that.  Tris flip his arm around and pins it behind his back.  Caleb winces and i snickers.  "That's why I didn't do it,she is very underestimated.  She is very strong." I says to Caleb and she walks out.  Caleb walks up to me.  "Thank you." He says, rubbing his shoulder.  "For what?" I ask.  "Saving her.  I should've told you guys." I remember what Tris said.   'Maybe you shouldn't have saved me.'  "I need to go.  Now." I say and start to leave.  "What!?" He asks.  "She said maybe you shouldn't have saved me.  She might try again," I run out the door and to the train.  By the time I get on it's almost gone.  I'm in the last car.   Tris must've gotten on one of the first.  After a while I see her run and jump off.  Looks like she is carrying something.  I have to wait a minute before I get off.  When I land I don't stop.  I continue to run and when i get to the apartment,I knock.  "You don't have to knock" she says.

I get a look of relief on his face.  "I was worried that you'd do it again." I say,panting.  "I probably would've if it wasn't for him." She says and carries a little boy  onto the couch.  Who suggested this kid?  "Who is this and what happened?" I asks with a mad look on my face.  She grabs me and pulls me  into the kitchen.  "Abuse.  Marcus.  Marcus had a son after you left." She tilts her head towards him.  My eyes well up with tears.  Then anger.  That bastard.  I walks to him and ask him a question.  "What's your name?" He looks scared.  Do I look that much like Marcus?  He backs away.  I guess so.  "It's okay.  This is four.  He's nice." Tris say and pats his shoulder.  she is so good with kids.  His eyes look up to me.  "Jacob Eaton." He says and looks at the couch.  I want to kill marcus.  He shakes his head.  "Im your brother." Tobias says.  Their eyes meet and both start to cry.  That was the first time I've cried in front of Tris.  We hug each other.  I feel so bad for this little boy.  He was just like me.  "He did it to me too." I say hesitently.   I shows him some scars, hopefully making him feel like he isn't alone.  "Do you want to go to the dining hall?" She ask them both and we nod.  Jacob tries to walk,but can't do it very well.  Tris picks him up and his legs wrap around her waist.  I hope we made up.  We get a lot of stares.  I don't care.  This is my brother.  I've always wanted a brother.  I just wish I could've stopped Marcus.  This little boy didn't deserve this.  Maybe I did, but he didn't. 

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now