Tobias' P.O.V.

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  all of us sit here and cry.  We cry for a life that should have been longer.   We will all miss her so much.  My eyes fill with tears.  She can't  leave me.  I need her.  I will never  forgive him.

I look over at Caleb.  His eyes are bloodshot and he let's his tears fall freely down his face.  I look at Christina and see her clutching the bracelet Tris gave her.  She holds it close to her heart and cries.  Tears slip from her eyes and land on it.  I look at Zeke.  He stares at the wall.  It probably hasn't hit him yet.  As for me, I can't bring myself to cry.  I can't cry for her.  She wouldn't want that.  She'd want me to live my life without her.  I close my eyes and I see her beautiful eyes and her petite body.  She was small, yet strong.  She has been through so much.  She deserves a long life filled with joy and happiness.  Not a short life, being ended by her friend.  She never, ever deserved this life.  And I never deserved her.

I hear the door and it opens.  There stands Uriah.  I get up, rage boiling inside me.  "I'm sorry." He says.  "She doesn't deserve this.  They sentenced me to death unless someone with a valid point calls it off." He says and looks down.  Good.  "I completely deserve it." He says and a tear slips down his cheek.  "Well thanks to you, she doesn't have much longer." Christina says and he falls to the ground.  He shouldn't be sad.  He did this.  Caleb starts to get up, but I grab him and sit him back down.  "I'm here to say goodbye." Uriah says.

He starts to walk towards us, but we scoot away.  "I love you Zeke.  I'm sorry." He says.  Zeke's eyes go fill with tears.  "Goodbye Chris.  I'm going to miss you." He says and Christina gets up.  She walks over to him and hugs him.  "Four..." He begins but I cut him off.  "Save it.  I don't want to hear it." I say and he turns to leave.  "No" I hear someone say and we all turn to Christina.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now