Tris' P.O.V.

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I see them again.  Zeke stands there beating Tobias and I'm being held back.  He winces in pain and I see his eyes close.  I see the light leave his eyes.  Just as Zeke reaches me, I open my eyes.  Tears flood my eyes as I cry and cry.  Tobias sits up and pulls me into him.  "It's okay.  I'm right here.  It's okay.  Your safe." He repeats into my ear.  "He killed you.  Y-you were gone" I say through my tears.  I snuggle into him,but can't sleep.  I don't want to see that again.  I can't lose him.  Even in a dream. 

Tobias is asleep and I still lay awake.  It's approaching 9 am.  I want to see Christina.  I want her to distract me from my friends betrayal.  I feel like I did when Caleb delivered me to Jeannine.  Betrayed.  Alone.  Scared.  Tobias opens his eyes.  "Wanna go to the cafeteria or make something here?" He asks and I have to think about it.  "Cafeteria.  I want to see Chris." I say and he doesn't object.  He takes off the wrap and gets into the shower.  I still have a massive headache, but I'll survive. 

He gets out and I help rewrap his wrist.  Then, I get in the shower.  It feels good to let the warm water embrace me like a hug.  I get out and look in the mirror.  I have bruises in my wrists,arms,and one on my jaw.  I change into a tank top and black jeans. 

Tobias and I walk together.  He holds me tighter than usual.  We enter the cafeteria and sit at our usual table.  Barely anyone is even here yet.  Most everyone gets here at 9:30 and it's only 9:15.  We start to eat when Christina sits across from me.  We eat in silence until I feel a hand on my shoulder. 

I whip back and twist it the way a wrist shouldn't bend.  I turn around.  Caleb.  Why is Caleb here?  I get up and give him a hug.  "Why are you here?" I ask curiously.  "I came to see you.  Glad to see you can talk now." He says and I smile.  "I heard about what happened.  It's all everyone is talking about.  Even in other factions." Caleb says and my eyes widen.  "Seriously?" I ask and he nods.  " I best be getting back.  Love you." He says.  "Love you too." I say and wave as he walks away. 

We finish eating and I get up to throw out my trash and I see them.  They're making their way toward our table.  I turn around quickly and walk to our table.  "Tris!" I hear Uriah shout.  I don't acknowledge him.  I feel both of their presences behind me.  "Tris..." They say.  "Leave me alone." I say and you can hear the tears.  "I'm sorry..." Zeke starts and I turn and walk away.  "Please I'm sorry." Uriah says and I whip around.  "Don't come near me again.  I thought you were my friend." I say through tears.  Tobias comes behind me and we walk out. 

I sit on the ledge by the chasm with Tobias.  I feel a person behind us so I turn around.  It's the leader.  What's his name?   Miles.  "They would like to speak with you.  We could put them behind bars." He says and I nod.  Tobias looks at me like I'm crazy.  Miles leads us to a building that I don't know and I see them both behind bars.  I stand outside the cell with my arms crossed.  "Tris please.  You have to understand, we didn't do it." Zeke says. "There is footage that says otherwise." I reply.  "Four?" Zeke pleads, but Tobias turns the other way. "We're friends." Uriah says.  "We were friends until you beat him and tried to kidnap me." I say to them.  My eyes are filling with tears.  "This is like Al all over again." I mumble under my breath.  "What?" Uriah asks.  "I said, this is like Al all over again.  He tried to kill me too." I spit out.  I can see it in their eyes that they're hurt by my comment.  "Tris... Please." Zeke begs.  I can see it in their eyes.  They're sorry.  Someone made them do it. 

"Open the cell" I tell the guard and he looks confused.  He still does it.  They walk up to me but Tobias' won't let them close to me.  "I believe you.  I can see it in your eyes." I say and step closer.  I lean into Zeke and give him a hug.  I do the same for Uriah.  Tobias looks at me like I just hugged Satan.  We walk out together and I go to the apartment.  Tobias closes the door and locks it.  "Why do you believe them?" He asks me.  "I looked into their eyes and saw that they were sorry.  That they had no control.  I saw the innocence." I say and lean into him.  "You're a good person Tris." Tobias says and I smile.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now