Tobias' P.O.V.

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No.  She can't have a tumor.  Everything always happens to us.  I go in shock and a few hot tears leave my eyes.  Tris squeezes my hand.  "I'm going to be okay." She says and I can hear the fear in her voice.  "It is a stage four thyroid.  There is a possibility of it spreading if it's not removed." The doctor says.  I close my eyes and shake my head.  "What are the side effects or risks?" Tris asks and her voice cracks.  I feel one of her tears fall onto my hand.  "If it doesn't work, it could spread to your heart or lungs.  The risks are that you may never be able to speak again." She says with pity in her voice.
        I look up at Tris.  Her eyes are closed and her hand is trembling.  "I'll do it." She says.  "We have an availability in tomorrow, at 11:30." She says and Tris nods.  "I'll do it." She says and the doctor walks out.  My eyes are glued to the floor and tears flow freely from my eyes.  This can't be happening.  "It'll be okay." She says and I shake my head.  She places her hand on my back.  
         The tears stop as we get up to leave.  We walk out,hand in hand.  I keep telling myself that she'll be fine like a mantra, it isn't working.  We reach the cafeteria and Tris grabs the food.  She sits back down and places a burger in front of me.  My appetite is gone.  All I can think about is Tris.  I eat about half and throw it away. 
         Uriah comes back holding cake and places some in front of me.  I push it away and I can hear everyone gasp.  My palms cover my eyes and my elbows rest on the table.  "Dude.  What's up?" Zeke asks and nudges my elbow.  "Nothing" I say and run out of the room.  I run to the chasm.  I sit in our spot,where we had our first kiss.  I remember the day that Tris was hanging over the chasm.  I remember that I was so thankful that I got to her.  I still am.  I try to imagine a world where she wasn't here and honestly, I wouldn't even be in dauntless.  I think how lucky I am to have her in my life.  She is my world. 
         I hear footsteps behind me.  I don't even care who it is.  Someone rests their hand on my back.  I whip my arm back and grab the hand.  When I look up,I see Zeke.  My hand releases his immediately and my hands go back to cradling my face.  Tris probably already told them once I left.  "Let me guess, Tris already told you?" I ask and I hear an eerie silence.  "Actually, no.  She wanted you with her." Zeke says with a softness in his voice.  I've never heard him speak so softly in the years that I've known him.  I get up and try to put on my instructor face.  I look at Zeke and he gives me a thumbs up.  We walk to the Cafeteria and find that no one is here.  Maybe Zeke's.  We walk there and find them all sitting on the couch. 
         As soon as I enter the room, I get stares like I'm a kicked puppy. Not by Tris though.  I sit down between Uriah and Tris.   She places her hand on mine and we sit in silence for a few minutes.  "Soooo..." Uriah says. He wants to know.  "I have a tumor in my vocal cords and I have to get it removed in two days." She squeels out, horsely.   Everyone looks like they've seen a ghost.  They're all putting it together that that's the reason I left and that's why Tris wanted me there.  Tears fill Christina's eyes.  They leak out and fall onto her black shirt.  Tris leans in for a hug and they hug awkwardly for a minute.  Uriah and Zeke look at me like I'm a kicked puppy.  I'm not a kicked puppy. And I'm sick of people looking at me like I am. Tris breaks free and leans her head onto my shoulder.  She needs to be okay.  She's a fighter.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now