Tris' P.O.V.

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"Will you finally take us there?" Uriah says like a child.  "Sure".  Everyone gets up and follows me.  I hit the secret button and a door opens.  We walk in and they gasp.  There is a normal looking room.  They stop,but I continue to the next locked door.  I pull out the key and unlock it.  They see the all metal room with one panel missing.  They see Eric laying on the floor. 
           We all walk into the dimly lit room.  Tobias runs up to the wall and pounds his fists into it, leaving a dent.  I grab his arms and pull him back.  He looks at Eric,lying on the floor.  Everyone else follows.  Christina walks up to Eric.  I see his eye move. "Christina back up." I say and she does. The makeshift knife is still in his back.   "I see you moving" I say and walk up to him.  Tobias grabs my arm.  I step forward and see his legs are open.  I jump upwards and land on his balls.  He winces in pain as I smirk.  They all run from behind me and start to hit and kick him.
      Tobias backs up and grabs my waist.  "Tris, you're skin and bone." He says.  "I'm fine" I say.  Everyone backs up and I see him,lifeless on the floor.  "I'm for sure,never messing with you.  You can fight,you know where it hurts,and you cheated death how many times now?" Uriah says and I laugh.  We walk out and Uriah is holding Christina.  They're cute together.  As we walk through the halls people branch off until only Tobias and I are left.  Instead of going to the apartment,he leads me to the infirm.  "I told you I was fine." I say.  "Just checking" he says and we walk in.  They take me into a room.  Apparently I'm dehydrated, malnourished,and have a concussion.  They want to keep me over night.  Before I can say no,Tobias says yes.  They hook me up to different machines and we lay there.  "What did you do when I was gone?" I ask.  "I sulked and went zip lining" he says.  I'm shocked.  "You went zip lining!" I say and clap.  He smiles and nods.  "I love you." He says.  "I love you too." I reply as I drift off into a peaceful sleep.
             I wake up and see nobody in the room.  Where is he? My heart rate goes up and a nurse comes running in.  "Where is he?" I ask.  "He'll be back any minute," she says.  Just as she leaves,he comes back in.  He has a look of worry on his face.  "I just planned a meeting with Caleb.  He doesn't know your alive.  We will surprise him tomorrow.  I already checked,you can leave tonight." He says and I laugh.  "Hello to you too" I say and he waves.  "That's gonna be awesome" I say.  "I'm sorry" I say and the entire mood changes.  "For what?"   "For not getting out sooner." I reply.  He shakes his head and comes to sit next to me.  "That wasn't your fault.  You didn't have a choice Tris." He says and I look down.  "You sacrificed your own life for me.  I thought I would never see you again.  You could've come back ten years later and I'd still be ecstatic to see you" he says and I smile.  "I didn't want to leave you." I say.  "I didn't want you to go either.  I think you would've done fine in Abnegation." He says.  We joke around for a few hours before I call the doctor in.  "When can I leave?" I ask.  "How about right now?" She says and I nod.  She unhooks me from the IVs.  "Just make sure you eat and drink as much as you can" she says as we walk out hand in hand.  I hadn't held his hand in so long.  I'm feeling pretty tired,so we head back to the apartment.  On the way back,I pick up medicine thats supposed to help with the scars. 
          We walk in and I lay right onto the bed.  I try to sleep,but now,it feels better to sleep on the floor.  I get up and lie down on the floor.  Tobias jumps up because I was gone.  "Right here" I say and he looks at me.  He comes down with me and I fall asleep, leaning on to his chest.  I hear his heartbeat in his chest and it calms me.  I fall asleep,thinking about how lucky I am to have him.


If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now